Yep, exactly what I was thinking too. The dun could really be coming from either parent, so pictures of all showing their toplines too, and photos of all 3 in natural lighting are really needed.Second photo, with the dorsal line going straight down the tail, tan/cream coat, looks Gullo
Yes, I totally agree, and the lighting in the pics do not offer any true help either, because one is too dark inside, and the one with the flash, where the "dorsal" is so prominent, could actually have been made to appear much lighter colored due to the strong flash. That is why good photos in natural lighting will be best.Yes, but a Silver Smoky Black could easily look similar as the Silver bit often gives a very prominent false dorsal!
Not saying it could not be Grulla, or even Silver Grulla, just that you can easily get "look alikes" when Silver is involved....