So here is my dilema: My two year old colt, Kumo, has begun to lose weight. His ribs show if he's standing a certain way and he has developed a pot belly. My other two horses don't have this problem and are perfectly healthy. He is set on a deworming schedule. I started feeding him four times a day. He is on pure alfalfa on a dry lot as I don't have access to any grazing for him. He was also on oat hay but I no longer have access to it. I bought him a mineral block but recently read that mineral blocks aren't good for horses? Either way he doesn't use it too much anyway nor does he particularily care for salt blocks :/
I also bought him Safechoice Nutrena original 14% to give to him to help him put some weight back on but he won't eat it. I've tried everything I can think of. I tried mixing in some oats but he simply picks out the oats and spits out the pellets. I tried soaking it and he looked at me like I was crazy. I then tried adding some grass and alfalfa leaves to the soaked stuff and he nimbled a little but at that but when he figured out he couldn't pick out the pellets he gave up and wouldn't touch it. I also tried adding molasses and that seemed to work a little bit as he ate it overnight after he finished his dinner so I thought "Oh good, trial over." Yeah...not so much . I tried it again a few days ago and there it still sits, untouched. My other two minis go crazy for these pellets and absolutely love them. I don't understand why Kumo doesn't. I don't know what to do. If anyone has some suggestions that would be much appreciated.
Here is a picture for reference:

I also suspect that Kumo is low in his good bacteria in his digestive system as his stool has been soft (not diarrhea) recently and when I put him out with his brother yesterday (I stuck him in there so he could burn some extra energy comfortably as I don't want to excercise him while he's underweight like he is) he went over and started eating a pile of stool his brother had recently deposited. I've heard of people giving yogurt to their horses, is this just the normal store bought yogurt? Does anyone have any suggestions for this as well?
Thank you for your help!
I also bought him Safechoice Nutrena original 14% to give to him to help him put some weight back on but he won't eat it. I've tried everything I can think of. I tried mixing in some oats but he simply picks out the oats and spits out the pellets. I tried soaking it and he looked at me like I was crazy. I then tried adding some grass and alfalfa leaves to the soaked stuff and he nimbled a little but at that but when he figured out he couldn't pick out the pellets he gave up and wouldn't touch it. I also tried adding molasses and that seemed to work a little bit as he ate it overnight after he finished his dinner so I thought "Oh good, trial over." Yeah...not so much . I tried it again a few days ago and there it still sits, untouched. My other two minis go crazy for these pellets and absolutely love them. I don't understand why Kumo doesn't. I don't know what to do. If anyone has some suggestions that would be much appreciated.
Here is a picture for reference:

I also suspect that Kumo is low in his good bacteria in his digestive system as his stool has been soft (not diarrhea) recently and when I put him out with his brother yesterday (I stuck him in there so he could burn some extra energy comfortably as I don't want to excercise him while he's underweight like he is) he went over and started eating a pile of stool his brother had recently deposited. I've heard of people giving yogurt to their horses, is this just the normal store bought yogurt? Does anyone have any suggestions for this as well?
Thank you for your help!
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