DunPainted said:
willowoodstables said:
Fat fat fat is my call...if she was that late in breeding dates she should have the pointed v belly. If you look at her sides it looks like "saddlebags" of fat??
OUCH......that reply hurts and it isn't my mare!
Here is an individual asking for advice, help....obviously stressed out by trying to do the best she can for this beautiful mare. I applaud her stepping up and asking for advice from experienced members of this group.
....then there are those who just breed their broodmares, leave them out in the pasture "because horses have been foaling for thousands of years without the help of humans". For people who incorporate this mindset in their breeding program, I'd understand a vitriolic reply such as this would be in order. Then again, such "breeders" wouldn't choose to EDUCATE THEMSELVES by participating in this WONDERFUL FORUM.
Please come back, Dee......I want to hear what the vet has to say!
HUH?? What the..... ???
I did not see that as a "vitriolic" reply in any way... we have several brood mares here that look Just. Like. That. And yes - they sort of have "saddlebags" of fat where their flanks are filled out etc. That is why they are in the diet pen. If this mare was being fed for 2 - then of course she would get a bit portly. No need to snap at people here in that manner... yikes.
Last year one of our regular broodmares had
me fooled. She went throuigh her regular phases (we cannot palpate or U/S her without causing her undue stress - even sedated - she is getting better but is an explosive type worrier... ) the same as always. I have
never been wrong in "knowing" this mare was in foal before... she reached 300 days and I waited and watched... at 330 I was doubting it - despite a bit of a bag with some milk and her being restless at night. She did not have the belly drop she should have. Blood tests were inconclusive. Finally - I
knew she wasn't - turned her out - eased back on the feed - and she slimmed down (a bit) and went into heat to the stallion's delight... visitors still ask me when she is due. NEXT year... if she caught.... but she put on a heck of a false pregnancy - give that girl an Oscar!