need recommendations on shippers

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2004
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I Love Minis Transport

Hauled Wright Equine Transport

Need to make decision ASAP. Thanks!
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Email Mari at Worleys Hauling as I think Bill might be in the area or soon will be.

They are wonderful people and the email addy is:

Good luck,

I haven't ever heard of Hauled Wright service, but have of "I Love Minis Transport".

I haven't met Brian personally yet, (I was kind of "out" for a bit), but I very much so DO look forward to!!!! It was he and his wife who helped us so selflessly in our time of need, in transporting our two Champagne stallions up to Wyoming before my cranial surgery 5 weeks ago (today). I owe my deepest gratitude for what they did for us (he and his wife) in helping us, and so quickly and delivered our boys to yet another blessing of a friend (HUGS to you Sandii), who is caring for them for us till we can gather of ourselves to bring them back home...or try to find new homes.

I do love Worleys too, from their helping us a couple years ago, in transporting another Champagne stallion (then owned by Ginny Long), they picked him up from us here, at "Rented Paradise" and brought him all the way up to Susan O'Berg, also up in Wyoming.

I have great confidence in both, and will always hold an undying gratitude for all their kindness and caring!
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I used Worleys before and won't again.

I Love Minis Transport is bringing my horses from Erica home in about a month!!! I am impressed so far and you cannot beat their rates.
I have used the drivers of Hauled Wright before they started out on there own- they hauled several horses for me over the years(when they were with another company) including a heavy in foal more from the East Coast to CA and she arrived as did all in great shape. NO problems at all!

My advice to you is this


ASK IF IT HAS PRE MADE FULL LENGTH DIVIDERS(especially if it is not a mini only trailer.)

I will NEVER EVER EVER had I known a company (not the one i mentioned above) hauled horses like this it would have never happened

haul my horses in a trailer where panels and twine are used to make any sort of dividers, where venalation isnt great, where groups of mares are put togther in a corral inside the trailer especially one made of panels and twine.
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