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Sun Runner Stables

Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2003
Reaction score
Palm Beach (Jupiter) Florida
Okay warning you now, long and complicated.

We bought our barn in 2002, right after 9/11. It came with a girl who had been taking care of the barn for the previous owner, and she stayed on. Loved her, but of course, she meets a boy and up and moves to Canada. (Miss her!!) Before she moves, while I am in Europe, she asks my mother (who co-owns the barn with me) if Her friend/mentor can come stay in our barn for a special reduced rate, as should would help out. She calls me in France, and we agree. It's suppose to be short term, but we all know how that goes. She has 3 horses, a stallion, who's good, but still a big stallion, a mare and a gelding. We have almost No baorders, and everythings lovely for a long while. When I get home from Europe, my original girl leaves for Canada, leaving her 1 old horse here with us, with a seperate bank account for said horse, and the friend in charge of paying his board every month, and taking care of his feed/feet/ver bills. There was a substantial amount of money in the account for the horse...

After the my orginal friend leaves, the barn starts to decline as far as grass and ant care, etc. The second friend is suppose to keep up, but does not. Eventually, do to my busy scedule, I end up trading her barn care of my horses, feeding, turn out, and occasionally stalls, for 1/2 her board. (I had 5 big horses at the time, and 4 minis, who never got moved.) Due to problems with my mothers help, and a need to still make money over the summer, I moved my horses from my barn to the barn I agreed to teach Camp at. All my horses, except for 1 rescue.

The second friend agrees to take care of the rescue for a month, and feeds my mothers dogs, and bird, and then only takes care of her horses. Her stallion leaves and goes to a new home. (The farm had neither myself or my mother there at this time.) This goes on for 3 months, then my mother comes home. The friend was offered money for taking care of the animals, and accepted.

The farm is a WRECK! Fences down, the barns dirty and coverd in cob-webs, the rings are all grass, and so on. I move home about 2 months after my mother did, with my then 2 horses. I immediatly start cleaning up the barn, fix fences and so forth. Our tack room looks like a tack store exploded in there,along with 1/2 the spiders and dirt in florida, so two of my students and I spend a whole DAY cleaning it out. ( I gave them free lessons for a month Each, worth about $180 bucks apiece, it was That Bad. ALmost ALL of it was this persons junk. She now takes up 1/4 of the tack room, 1/3 the bathroom, and part of one of her ponies stalls, and She Does Not Even Ride!!!

I then find out that said friend has Not paid board on any of her horses OR my canadian's friends horse since the last years hurricane. Plus she hasn't taken care of the barn at All, or cleaned my mothers house. (Another thing we had her do when she couldn't pay her board.) At this point I am livid, and realise that she has been taking advantage of my mothers health to her own benifit. I quickly route up my mom, have a come to jesus meeting with her, and she talks to said friend. She gives sob story, (one is ture, her Mare who was prone to colic, coliced and died on her way out of the state, running from Wilma...the money situation...well after quiting several jobs because her good for nothing boyfrind didn't like her working there, and living off of the 1st friends bank account, along with her ailing mothers monetary help...
) and promises to start paying. I am satisfied for a week. In the mean time, I have moved a few more lesson horses home, and a few minis, and a few horses leave.

Said friend then dedcides she needs to bring her stallion back, and demands that he needs a stall, and after having had one accidential pregency on my farm, I agree. But only for a week. I now have to kick out one of my <Money Making> school horses to accomadate her. But hey it's for one week, right? Wrong. Finally, I ask her when he is leaving, and she snipliy tells me, not for awhile. AWHILE??? My horse is outside. As time has gone on, I have been asking her to turn out my horses when she feeds. (About 5 times a week, usually AM when I am at school. I have a total of 4 horses on the property that need to be moved around. She has 5 there now, and another boarder has 3. ) This takes about 10 min total, as all are easy going school ponies, and paddocks are close together. (I know if I owed somone thousands of dollars, I would sure be happy to do little things to help catch up!)

Well 2 days ago, she calls me up as I am pulling into the barn, and starts SCREAMING in my ear about how dare I ask her to move my horses around, she has a deal with my mother, not me, and I have just dropped these horses off for her and the rest of the poor barn boarders to deal with, and stoutly denies that she owes my mother the amount of back board that she does, said that

"All her Hard work made up for it" Right..... There's more, but I'll stop there. She then goes on to say, well the other girls are right here, talk to them. I talk to them, and they say they just needed more help to blanket in the evenings, and were hoping pne of the older students could help out. Not a problem, and I am happy to oblige. Furhermore They are paying boarders, and not supposed to work off board, they are just helping, and get free lessons or use of my horses in return. They then go on to complain about the Other one, A) for putting words in their mouth, and B) for being rude to not only them, but Students who ride with both of us.

Now here's the glitch. Do I kick this person out NOW like everyone is screaming at me, Or wait for her to move to Georgia, which is imminent? (This is my mothers way, as she Hates to be tough, and this person had been a friend before she started to take advantage of her friendship.) She has not yet apologised, (but will wave merrily from her truck at me in passing..
) and I am replacing her feeding duties with a paid staff memeber. She was my mothers friend, and did take care of her animals while she was ill, but I think it's Really gone to far.... Thoughts?? (I would love to put her and her stuff on the corner this evening if I could, but my mom owns half the barn, and so I need to do it politly, should we wait??)
Can you do something like a lien on the horse? Hubby hs 3 bikes at his shop that had work done, people wont pick up, nor pay, so we put mechanics liens on them.

Dont know if I would kick her out untill I knew what could be legally done, only because once gone, you probably have less resourse. Do you have a county atty that you can speak to? Ours will, free of charge, to business owners. GOOD LUCK!
In my opinion, I think you should get her out asap. We had a 16 year old girl that kept her horse at our barn. We do not run a boarding facility but knew the girl and let her board here. They agreed to pay each month. That never happened. I started complaining that if they weren't going to pay then they could at least work. Then, they said I was threatening them! Then one day after they hadn't been here in about a month, they came and got her out of the stall. I told them she got a cut the day before out in the field. I had properly treated it and it was fine. They got furious!! They claimed I cut her on purpose! It really hurt knowing that someone would think something like that about me. That could have ruined my reputation around here, but hopefully people will learn who the trouble makers are and to beware. There sure are some crazy people out there that come up with the stupidest ideas.
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Be tough for your mother, you won't ever get any money out of this person, if you could you already would have. Cut your loses and put her out. Life is to short to be upset all the time. Booting her out will bring peace back to you and your barn. OH and be sure to let the good worker that you that left that her horse ran out of money because of this so called friend.
I wouldn't care if her move to Georgia was tomorrow -- I'd send her down the road.

Your own animals are suffering, your paying boarders are suffering....she's no one's friend.

I'd say send her on her way. I'm willing to help anyone who is willing to help themselves, but that doesn't sound like this girl. This girl sounds like she is just riding you guys as far as you will let her. There is no reason for this to go on, I am usually a soft hearted person, but when it comes to something like this I will get harsh. I say give her two weeks to be gone, that way she has time to find somewhere else to be, so your mom won't think you are being too harsh, but she is still out of your hair in a short amount of time.
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I would never send anyone out in the road with no place to put their horses. Kicking a person out is one thing, but not the animals. They didn't do anything. So she needs to find a place first and soon, like now.

Ok this is very easy for me, a case of black and white.

I know what it's like to move to a place that's been used as a junkyard. We hauled crap off of here for two years, build fencing, made paddocks, sewed grass, mowed and bushogged, planted trees and built a barn. That does not even touch on what we did to save this falling down old mountain house. We had blisters daily, bleeding open sores and cuts, aching backs, actually really blood, sweat, and many tears.

If I came home to find my place a wreck, and look like what you described, there would be no question about it.

This is your barn. These are your animals and how you even consider putting out one of your school horses for this person is way crossing the line. You and your animals and property comes first.

Forget the money, you won't get that back.

I would set a day and an exact time for her to leave. I'd give her one full week to find another place. If she gives you mouth, change it to 3 days. More mouth, 24 hours. If she is not moved by that time, I would put her things in storage and take control of her horses. Very easy to do in Florida.

Do not argue with your mother. Take the bull by the horns and get her gone. Once she is gone, then you and your mom discuss the whole thing over tea.
I have learned the hard way the it is very important oto put everything in writing, especially when it is between friends!

So you didn;t start that way, start now. Put down what you need in writing from this day forward. If she agrees, fine. If she doesn't, then set a date again in writing thatt her and her horses are to be out of the barn.
Give her a letter to quit the premises. Do not go the lien route it will stretch into years of legal battles and the chances are if she is on benefits she'll get a free lawyer. I know, Marty, I know, but yo cannot look after all the animals in the world, and you have to think about yourself.

Even if the only thing that you said about her was that she was causing trouble, she would be LONG gone from my place.

Been where you are, got the t-shirt!!

Give her notice- one week is enough, and if she is not gone, take her horses to the pound.

It's what I threatened to do, and it is what I would have done.

I tried the" you do not get them till you've paid " thing.

She did not feed them so I had to.

She would have stood and watched them starve.

Her mare aborted due to stress.

THEN she cut down the fences and took them anyway.

You are not going to get a penny, so write it, and all the anger, off, and let it go.

Not worth the trouble.

Kick her out, NOW.

I can guarantee there is NO move to Georgia on the horizon!!!
The way I figure, when someone is taking grocery money from my family and running down my farm, they would've been long gone. Thankful I saw folks get "stuck" in this situation and created an iron-clad contract. If they are 10 days late on paying board, a $3 per day late fee is assessed.....great incentive to pay on time. If they are 30 days late, the horse must leave or will be sold. In addition, if a horse damages property, the owner is financially responsible.

We had one border whose horse tore down numerous fences and even jumped a stall gate, bending it beyond repair. There was NOTHING we could do to keep him in any pasture. I called her and insisted the horse leave immediately. Fortunately, my message was loud and clear, and the horse was removed within a few hours.

In this situation, perhaps you can offer her the ability to bring her account current by utilizing a credit card via PayPal.

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