Need to appologize to many forum members

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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
As of late I have not been the best of LB Members.

I have been going through a divorce for the past year that is now final, but that is no excuse/reason.

I have posted to ask for help, but sure haven't offered much in return. I have not followed up on some things I should have, I put things on the back burned that should have been to the forefront and I have just flat out let some things go.

There are many I just need to say I am sorry too.

I am working on it, getting back to living, not just existing.

In time my hope is I become a value member again, because I sure haven't been.

I am sorry to those I have let down, including myself.

Thank you for reading and thank you to those who were so patient and supportive.

I can't go back and change any of it, but I can do better going forward!
i've been having much the same feeling lately. we're all human and we all have demons to fight so i think it's safe to say you have nothing to apologize for.

i come to LB several times a day and i read but haven't posted much. seems as if i've been living one day at a time for the past few months, something i thought i would have overcome sooner than this. people tell me the second year after a loss is harder than the first. don't know why, no rhyme or reason to it, but i'm finding it to be oh so true. what the heck happened to "it's gotta get can't get worse!"???

now that your divorce is final (and i know you got to keep your horses...yayy!), maybe things will start looking brighter.
I think both of you have done well. First thing, you have to get your life together before you should worry about anyone else's life. That is understood by everyone. Frankie, you have gone through very hard times in not knowing what is going to happen. Now that its come to an end as far as the divorce, you know your life will have direction and it will get better.

Charlene, don't ever expect it to get easier, you will recover to some extent but it never gets easier. Audie died four years ago last month, that was the hardest day I have had in a long time. I miss him even more today than I did last year, more has happened that I wish he had been here to enjoy with me, to deal with with me, to cry with me, its not easier, but I do laugh more, deal with things better and live life every day. But it is no easier for me than the day he died.

I admire both of you for pulling yourselves up and going on with your lives, when your ready, you can be there for others but I wouldn't worry about that right now. Just live your lives day to day and you owe no one anything.
Ladies, you both have went thru something very hard. Its ok to struggle-we all do.

You are both wonderful women, dont forget that.

I'm looking forward to your posts as well as everyones.


To all of us that have posted our hard times and just needed some cyber hugs and support; Apologies not necessary. Heaven knows I have dumped on here recently. We are living in hard times now without the added stress of divorces, deaths, health issues and a bucket load of horse manure. I have not seen one single posting that flamed us and told us to get over our bad selves and quit being whining babies. The posts have been supportive and so much more than kind when we needed them. That is the kind of forum WE, OURSELVES, have made it. Thanks to Mary Lou who gives us a place to come when we need it.

Dear Ladies :

Don't Quit !

When Things go wrong,as they sometimes will,

When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,

When the funds are low,and the debts are high,

And you want to smile,but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest if you must,but don't you quit!

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won had he stuck it out,

Don't give up though the pace seems slow,

You may succeed with another blow.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems so far,

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,It's when things get worse ,That You must not quit.
There's no need for an apology you have had to have time to get your life back on track. We're here to support you. Were like a family here we give you that support and when our turn comes you in turn offer yours. It's a give and take around here. Life is hard, and I see so much pain and stuggle on here and it just breaks my heart. I'm one of the lucky ones that after years of walking in some of your shoes and been there done that I now have a good life, so I can offer those shoulders. When your time comes and your strong you can too, we believe in you and each other that's what keeps us coming back. Why because we have this strong bond that keeps us going and believing in one another that we will not only have our questions answered but we will have that connection with each other, a tie, just like these threads that bring us together. You are an important part of our family on here and when you hurt we hurt, when your happy were happy. Just as it should be, this is what a connection is all about, touching our lives, it's just not about getting an answer to a question or a statement said. Take care and we'll see you both back soon, TJ
There's no need for an apology you have had to have time to get your life back on track. We're here to support you. Were like a family here we give you that support and when our turn comes you in turn offer yours. It's a give and take around here. Life is hard, and I see so much pain and stuggle on here and it just breaks my heart. I'm one of the lucky ones that after years of walking in some of your shoes and been there done that I now have a good life, so I can offer those shoulders. When your time comes and your strong you can too, we believe in you and each other that's what keeps us coming back. Why because we have this strong bond that keeps us going and believing in one another that we will not only have our questions answered but we will have that connection with each other, a tie, just like these threads that bring us together. You are an important part of our family on here and when you hurt we hurt, when your happy were happy. Just as it should be, this is what a connection is all about, touching our lives, it's just not about getting an answer to a question or a statement said. Take care and we'll see you both back soon, TJ
I couldn't have said it better. Life takes us all for curves and that should come first before any forum! No problem ladies we are always here for you.

Whitewave, that is a beautiful poem, thank you for sharing it! And Taylor Jo, very well said!

I've not been here much in the last several months either. My Dad died (on top of losing my Mom tragically and unexpectedly the year before) and then I got very sick, and just felt not up to socializing much. But I'm back, on the mend, and eager to catch up with my "mini" family.
It feels good to be back!
Apologies are NOT NECESSARY! I've been reading about all the troubles....... Trust me, I personally understand and anyone who has had difficulties would.

I personally have gone through some rough times over the last two years -- I haven't posted about most of them -- but one common thing I can relate to is when things get tough I often "put things off" and crawl into a cave to nurse my wounds.

Everyone handles loss, stress, hard times differently. And if there's someone who doesn't understand that, that is THEIR issue.
it's SO heartwarming to come here and read these responses. it's exactly what i expected to see so it certainly was no surprise but wow, what super bunch of people we have here!

whitewave, love the poem!!

minimom, i'm so sorry you had a rough time recently. i try to take my lead from women like you who have been through this loss. i know my grief will never end but i find that it's a little "different" as more time goes by. i know just what you mean though...i still see or hear things and think to myself that i must remember to tell gary and i DO tell him, it just isn't the same but i'm learning to live with it rather than die because of it.

thanks, everybody, for the hugs!!! (((((((((((hugs)))))))))) right back at ya!
Hang in there ladies..Life does throw us curve balls, probably more than we realize. I think the two of you and many others here have given others (me) the strength that we need to get through our woes. I am a firm believer that no ones woes are worse than someone else's. Your problems are no less important than some one else's, why? because they are important to you, and that is all that matters. I have been through a divorce and found out who my true friends were and found out some were friends I did not even know that I had! I Thank God everyday that I have Art, so I can't even imagine what you are going through
Both of you have given me encouragement to fight my battles. So I am returning that to you. Even if you have to dig and dig hard.."There is light at the end of the tunnel"...God Bless...Theresa
I want you to know, I really am fine, honest. I probably sound like a "whoe is me" type person lately, but really not so much.

Each day is better and we are doing well. Just have to play some catch up!

The best for me,,,when I get home from work and go out to feed, there is NO ONE yelling out at me for supper!!!

It's a true breath of fresh air!

Thanks for all of your support.

Today is Sunday, I have the day off, and if I want to be out at the barn all day, guess what? I CAN!

Yip, all is well.
My love to all forum members who are going through difficult times.
((((HUGS)))) to all of my friends who need a few.

We all know that occasionally we all need a hug and a prayer.

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