New Bernese Puppy Pics

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
London, ON
Wow they sure do grow fast! They're starting to motor around now, eyes are open, and they're starting to play with each other as of yesterday. They are such a joy at this stage. Callie is doing great and is a good mom. Not sure if I told you, but she developed an infection on day 2 and we quickly nipped it in the bud and now she has great milk and is eating up a storm as you can imagine. Here they are:



Oh they are so adorable! What a "pack" of fun! How many do you have there? In one picture I think I counted 9 of them. And I bet they are growing quick. Won'e be long before they are able to look over those boards!
There are 10. One is off motoring around in the pics. Needless to say, I'm giving them one hand-feeding a day just to help mom out. We have an assembly line going where I feed and hand them over for her to "clean" and then I grab the next. It's too cute
Laughs! I bet mom sure appreciates the help! Glad it isn't the other way around :eek: :bgrin Sorry... I couldn't help myself!

Wow, an even 10 of them. That is fabulous. So are there 5 boys and 5 girls?
Laughs! I bet mom sure appreciates the help! Glad it isn't the other way around :eek: :bgrin Sorry... I couldn't help myself!

Wow, an even 10 of them. That is fabulous. So are there 5 boys and 5 girls?
LOL! I made a joke about that to someone.

There are 7 girls and 3 boys. Her markings came through strong on all of them too. Girl Power!
In some ways you are so lucky, as you get to enjoy them when they are at their absolute cutest stages - and then you hand them over to their families to house break! :bgrin

How is it possible that they are even cuter than they were in the last pics??? I wish I lived closer to you...cuz I really, really want to snuggle them up to my face and smell their puppy breath!!!
How is it possible that they are even cuter than they were in the last pics??? I wish I lived closer to you...cuz I really, really want to snuggle them up to my face and smell their puppy breath!!!

Linda, you'd be in heaven. I was just visiting them and one was sucking on my nose and one was sucking on my earlobe; the one on my earlobe felt really good LOL. (is that wrong? LOL).
Oh Matt,

I wish they were older!!!! I have a friend flying in from Gatwick on the 4th and he could have snuck one of those beauties to my home!!!
[SIZE=36pt]I love them Matt!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE]

LOL! Thanks Marty. I love them too. Berners are the ultimate teddy bears. I just came in again from a visit and I was covered in puppy kisses
: At this stage they just seem to "burst" in terms of growth both physically and mentally.
Look at those beautiful pups!

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