I generally have Peruvians but we did have a Texel several years ago who was very sweet. I had been wanting a Teddy for some time now so there ya go. Words (at least my words) can not describe how cute these guys are. Both of these breeds have crimpy hair. Even the whiskers are wavy. I love guinea pigs...
The gold and white is the Teddy and his name is Ollie. The red and white is the Texel and his name is Remi
Mom is so right. Ollie looks like someone painted a guinea pig face on a tennis ball
and of course my little Zachary (not new but I had to take his pic too!)

The gold and white is the Teddy and his name is Ollie. The red and white is the Texel and his name is Remi

Mom is so right. Ollie looks like someone painted a guinea pig face on a tennis ball

and of course my little Zachary (not new but I had to take his pic too!)