We are about to make this THE best Sunday in Mission history!
Usually Sunday's are not the greatest!!
This will for sure PUT US OVER THE TOP!!
We have a DOUBLE MATCH!!
That is right, we have a very special forum member, very special to me, who would like to double your money!! I can't tell you how much this lady has meant to me, would love to say who, but will honor her request. She is an awesome miniature owner, breeder, and most of all friend.
So, you donate, she will double your donation!
If you give $25, she will give $50,,,if you give $10, she will give $20!!
This is up to $250 by you.
In other words,,,we will take the match donations up to $250, and she will double it and give $500,,,is there any easier way to get a total of $750.
This is where your $3, $5, $10 becomes worth so much more!!!
She will do this up to the end of the mission, Thanksgiving Day if needed. But knowing all of you, I don't think it will take that long.
Heeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeee we go!!!!
We can't let this one get away!!!