New shows and new circuit!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oklahoma City, OK
It's all coming together!

The Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri AMHA clubs are joining together on new shows and a $$ circuit $$ for Amateur, Youth and Special Needs..... with good cash awards!

Here is what it's looking like now....a late june show in Carthage, MO (a NEW show!) The Wichita, KS show, the Lawton, OK show and the Carthage MO show will all be part of a circuit for the Ammy, Youth and SN with $2,000-3,000 in cash awards for those divisions!

This is an exciting time for AMHA exhibitors in this area!

Also happening in OK ....... a spring clinic (March) and two one day shows besides the Lawton show.

ALSO! (and this may be a first ever!) An AMHA show in Tulsa, OK in conjunction with a PtHA show! Show your AMHA horse in a class and if he is PtHA registered you will also get PtHA points and awards as well as your AMHA awards! Cooperating with an outcross registry on a show may be a first! Come join us in making history!

Most of these shows are already scheduled and the Carthage MO show is fast coming together. As soon as we have all the dates I'll post again and of course you will find the shows listed on the AMHA web site as soon as they receive approval. .... and on the OHCI web site soon!

:saludando: Charlotte
:aktion033: :aktion033: Sounds great!! Now if I can just put enough money aside to make all of those shows with a certain gorgeous filly I have, LOL. That's awesome that we are getting that many shows in this area, it's about time!!!
Awsome!!! I'll be going to my first AMHA show next year then. I'm very excited and see how my gelding does in AMHA. Do they know which arena they will have the show in Carthage yet?
I've been anxiously awaiting news on the Carthage show! We'll be going on the "A" circuit for the first time next year and it's nice not to have to drive so far to do it! I got an email today saying the Carthage show would be July 14-15th which is different than what someone else said here. Hopefully we'll know for sure soon so people can plan.

YIPPEE!! :aktion033:
Congradulations, there are a lot of good folks up in that area that have been begging for some good shows to go to. Good luck with them. :aktion033: :aktion033:

It just gets better! Lucky J Arena in Carthage MO has a steak house restaurant attached......with a big viewing window into the arena!

We are tninking.....How about doing Liberty class during the dinner hour??????? We can entertain the diners and introduce them to the Wonderful World of Miniature Horses!

What do y'all think of this idea?????

IWe are tninking.....How about doing Liberty class during the dinner hour??????? We can entertain the diners and introduce them to the Wonderful World of Miniature Horses!

What do y'all think of this idea?????


That is a GREAT idea!!! Anyone would find that entertaining! I'm so excited - I hope the date is finalized soon so I can see if we're able to go.

Parmela, the date is set for June 30 - July 1! So make your plans now!!

Hmmm. I was told as recently as yesterday by someone in the St. Louis club that it was going to be July 14-15. I guess the decision is final for June 30 - July 1st? That happens to be the same weekend as the AMHR Area IV show - Area IV being the one that includes MO!!! What to do????
Parmela, We haven't been able to find a weekend when there ISN'T an R show somewhere around. We tried! We are limited to just 2 choices of weekends by the facility's schedule so we are pretty much stuck! Let us (show committee) look into this, but it will probably be the June 30-July 1.

We'll get back to you on this! Thank you for your interest. We think this show is going to be fantastic and our 3 clubs are wanting to make this an every year thing!

This show will also be the finale of the Ammy, Youth, SN circuit.

Thats an excellent idea about dinner time during liberty. Their steak house is really good and you do get a great view of inside the arena there.

StarRidgeAcres - This arena is awsome. Everyone is switching from one arena that I use to show in into this one for 2007. So I'm very happy to hear that you guys got this arena. So without a doubt this arena's schedule is FULL. You won't be disappointed.
That's good to hear JMS! Frank will be meeting the other club's representatives up there shortly after Christmas to finalize everything.

We'll see you at the show!

Just went and looked at the Lucky J arena . It looks like a very nice place to have a show.. I might just have to put that one on the list as I also did not realize how close it was . :aktion033:

Who do I need to contact to make sure I get a show bill ?

Having Liberty class during dinner is a great idea. I can do my two favorite things at one time- eat and watch beautiful horses float around the arena. :aktion033:

As a board member of the Kansas club, I am very glad that the KS, MO & OK clubs were able and willing to work together to create the high point circuit. I can't wait for show season.

Even if it is on the same weekend as the Area IV show, we may still attend. We went to the Area IV show last year, so I've already experienced that. Plus, we did all R shows this year, so next year we're making sure we hit enough A show to go to Worlds. We're going to be busy, busy, busy!!!

Even if it is on the same weekend as the Area IV show, we may still attend. We went to the Area IV show last year, so I've already experienced that. Plus, we did all R shows this year, so next year we're making sure we hit enough A show to go to Worlds. We're going to be busy, busy, busy!!!
That is really good news for your region. More people in states with no shows need to start clubs and build a show circuit. Its the only way to get shows closer to you.
That is really good news for your region. More people in states with no shows need to start clubs and build a show circuit. Its the only way to get shows closer to you.
Not only that, Libby, but our club, The Oklahoma Miniature Horse Club, initiated a one day AMHA show last year with great success! Not only was it profitable for the club, but it allowed the 'newbies' to come in and get their feet wet at a show with very little expense to them. We have 2 one days shows planned for this year! :aktion033: :aktion033:

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