Well-Known Member
Our neighbor is getting out of donkeys, and concentrating on llamas, and boy, are we glad she is!!! Boomer and Pepper are both 41" and clowns. I think their ears must be a foot long! They are 1/2 brothers to our little mule, Bean, seen on another post! They are terrified of Bean--he runs at them, yelling, and they run away from him! One drives and one is broke to ride with a saddle. We are hoping to have both of them driving, as a team eventually. Is it hard to put a team together? I know with miniature horses, they have to have the same type of action for them to look good as a team. Is that ever an issue with donkey teams? Would a typical pony size harness fit them? My mini-easy entry carts are too small for them. What size of cart would they pull? Thanks!