New Web site.. opinions and thoughts appreciated

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2009
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Hi everyone... I took my first try and building my own web site got it pretty much finished and would love any input.. did it load fast? Any major spelling errors anyone sees? Does it seem to make sense? To many pictures or not enough on the about us and show pic page? Are the pages centered? I am pretty new to this so any thoughts on how to make it better would be great

would appreciate any thoughts


Ruff N Tuff Minis and Shetlands
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Looks pretty good for your first try!! I enjoyed visiting. Two things I would change....and this is just based on my personal opinion...not saying it looks bad or anything of that nature but the yellow orange color of the background you are using is a bit bright for me. Also I would love to see your photos in a bigger size. Can't make the details out all that well especially on the smaller ones. Or if you're doing them that small could you possibly click onto a larger image? All in all good job!
It looks good to me. It loads fast and navigates easily. I agree about larger pictures. I can see these alright, but i do like to click on a picture and make it bigger.

But all in all, i think you did a good job.

So did you use a program to do it?
Looks great! I actually love the colors

I agree the pictures could be a touch larger, but it has a great look to it!

The fun thing about websites is they are constantly evolving. Have fun tweaking it!

Good job!

I agree with Andrea, I like the color. I only saw one thing that I would change. The sentence that says, "After a unfortunate breeding accident he was gelded and Raven and him have been a competitive team ever since." I believe, grammatically should be "After and unfortunate breeding accident, he was gelded, and he and Raven have been a competitve team ever since."

Nice job for your first site!
I like it and its fast and clean and easy.

The orange actually I like it because it reminds me of bright summer and then fall and pumpkins! I would select one more color to go with it though now that I look at it again to enhance it. I think you used to have sunflowers or something like that too? Didn't you have a logo at one time?
Looks great Lisa! My personal preference too would be to use two colors and tone the orange down a bit if your website program lets you - I like the orange though.
Look forward to seeing more "doing" pictures this year with your new focus!

The orange does jump out at you at first but after a few moments it grew on me. I like it! The site could definitely use some more framing though, like maybe a patterned orange background or a green vine header bar or something? The only tech problem I saw was on the Minis page, each photo was up over the last bit of text for the horse before it. I thought it was just because I had the window smaller than full-screen but it stayed that way when I enlarged the browser window.

This also happened with the puppy photos and parrot text on the "About Us" page. Is the title bar on that page supposed to say "About-ud?"

Bigger pictures would be nice and an eye-catching graphic for your farm name on the top of each page instead of small text. Overall it's a nice site and it was fun to get a look at more of your horses. Can't wait to see more driving photos!

Thanks so much everyone. I posted this then went out of town to visit my oldest daughter and forgot about it - Just remembered now.. (sucks getting old lol)

Anyway thanks for the help and suggestions I am going to try and make the pics better and perhaps add a different design to the color. This web site stuff is kinda confusing but really pretty fun

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