Well-Known Member
CONGRATULATIONS :aktion033: And welcome to the Wonderful World of Minis!Ok this has all been wonderful advice! :saludando: I would like to clear up a few lil things, I have had my guy for 3 weeks now and wormed him again today. Everyone was telling me he was fat but to me he looked like a wormy puppy. Should I worm him for consevitive days? I have horse ranch hand experience BUT not much as far as horse being mine. So far I seem to be doing things right - teaching him feet holding, trust , no crowding, NO nipping , or lipping either.
As far as gelding I havnt made my final disision yet. But will add I do not plan on breeding him, He is not (at this point) that good of a represintive of his breed. I am not sure though that I want to castrate him, though I would if he was a goat (go figure). I wish for him to mature to at least 2 years b4 I decide.Does it make a difference bettween those gelded early to those later on?![]()
Ok couple of feeding questions -- How much is one pound of food? (sounds stupid I know but I want to be right with it). Which would be better for him right now Hay or pasture? And the other thing I dont quite understand - I can feel his hip but not his ribs? Could someone help me with that one? Thanks again to all!

Your new guy is really cute. I think you have already been given som excellent advice. I also, think he looks "unthrifty"....needs to be wormed & on a good feeding regimine. Purina Equine Jr. is excellent for that.
You asked how much 1 pound of food is. Well, that varies...depending on the food. A pound of hay looks a lot bigger than a pound of grain. That is why it is important to measure a Minis food until you get used to what 1 pound looks like. For the grain....use a scoop or measuring cup & weigh it to see how much a pound is.
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