It's a colt! He was born 320 days gestation at dusk last night. I had expressed white milk and he was born less than an hour later! Niobe had dropped the day before and kept isolating herself from the herd. My friend was grooming Lex and I was keeping half an eye on Niobe, then when I brought girlies in she was nowhere to be found! Aiden ran around the house and found her hiding behind the big ash tree out front. Her flanks were sweaty signaling the beginning of labor. I prayed that Jesus would give her an easy and safe delivery and then allowed her to give birth in the clean soft grass. Thankfully the answer to prayer was yes! It was an easy birth, perfect presentation, spontaneous rupture of cord, and an easy passage of afterbirth. Niobe is an amazing mom! Once in her stall when Tiny Nose went for the water bucket before nursing she literally flung him away from the water. She's such a smart mama. Love these horses doing what God designed them to do! What an example!
Help with names would be appreciated. I like single, 3 syllable names. Like Ni_o_be, his dam. Born on a Monday for ideas, his sire is Misty Rose Fable of Lexington. He looks a lot like Romeo of a different color. He is dark silver bay. I've never had a silver bay exactly this shade. It is a beautiful color. Almost as dark as a rocky mtn horse, but not quite that chocolate. He has a tiny muzzle, so I've just been calling him tiny nose. I put in my order for a chestnut pinto filly, but his sire is from a colt-producing line, and I'm certain God gave me exactly what I was meant to have! He is the friendliest, most outgoing baby, and we had a lot of imprinting time between myself and his dam. He loves my boys and people. Romeo was very shy, where tiny nose thinks he's human!
Niobe day 319, dropped:
Help with names would be appreciated. I like single, 3 syllable names. Like Ni_o_be, his dam. Born on a Monday for ideas, his sire is Misty Rose Fable of Lexington. He looks a lot like Romeo of a different color. He is dark silver bay. I've never had a silver bay exactly this shade. It is a beautiful color. Almost as dark as a rocky mtn horse, but not quite that chocolate. He has a tiny muzzle, so I've just been calling him tiny nose. I put in my order for a chestnut pinto filly, but his sire is from a colt-producing line, and I'm certain God gave me exactly what I was meant to have! He is the friendliest, most outgoing baby, and we had a lot of imprinting time between myself and his dam. He loves my boys and people. Romeo was very shy, where tiny nose thinks he's human!

Niobe day 319, dropped:

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