I think maybe this could be prevented by a vet certificate being required just like when you change a stallion's papers to gelding. The vet could certify that the horse does have a bad bite, had problems foaling, etc.
But would that stop people even breeding and the registries won't even recognize it. I mean, sure if someone got her and they used her for breeding and this program was into affect then it would just be grade horses. But if their was no program like what I would like to see happen then they can register the foals no matter whats wrong with them
I know someone that foals out alot of foals and alot of them have bad off bites, still keeps them registered, and people I'm sure still uses them for breeding. A foal has an off bite, oh no sell it cheap, new people come in, they don't care they are looking for something real cheap thats registered, they find this foal they know it has an off bite, but as long as its registered, and can still breed, thats money for them on the ground.
Is it my fault she has a bad bite, yes I am to blame. Thats why I want to try and to prevent any problems in the future. However, I think she should deserve to show, not in halter, but why not in performance. I can't help she foaled out in the wrong sex, or she would be gelded instantly with a mare you really can't do that.
I can keep, but I have too many A size geldings that do performance, and she will be A size, if I train her, and sell her to somebody who wants her as a show horse, than I would love that to happen, I just don't want to see her foaling out registered foals, but she should beable to show.