Not the best holiday season for us...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2003
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New York
OK... if things happen in threes I must be done.

First, Ashley our cat was hit by a car towards the end of October and had to be put down (severe hind leg injuries with nerve damage).

Then, our second cat, Otis, got out and disappeared. He has been gone two weeks but he is normally an indoor kitty and did not want to go out... until Ashley died.

Then, yesterday, my Basset Hound, Emily, had to be put to sleep due to her cancer/cysts. She was 10 and was a real character.

While in Emily and Ashley's situations I know it was for the best, I am holding out hope that Otis returns home.


Silversong Farm
Oh Denise!
I'm SO sorry you lost so many of your loved ones! I hope your kitty comes back and that your heart heals. {{{hugs}}}
That is just terrible to go through this all at once. My heart goes out to you. We lost two within 3 days of each other last year (dog hit by car and cat disappeared). It just rips your heart out. I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry to hear about your losses,I hope 2006 will be better for you and your family.


I am so sorry for all your awful loses... It's really almost to much to handle...

I don't know What I would do if I were in your shoes... I am so sorry...


Awww! I'm so sorry! I understand your pain. We lost 2 within 3 weeks of each other (I'm sure our dog died of sheer depression after his kitty of 13 years passed away). We had previously lost a young cat (due to a heart condition) only 2 months before. Was horrible and the kids were so young and it just devastated all of us.

I'm so sorry, how terrible. I'll be praying for Otis' safe return. ((hugs))
I am so sorry, I sure do hope your kitty returns. Its horrible to have to handle the loss of all, at once. Last January was like that for me..first I lost my 8 month old filly Cokkie, for no apparent reason, it happened so fast..then the following day I found my puppy (now 1 yr old) Angel, in the middle of a horrible windy snow/sleet/ice storm..there she was wondering and lost..she is now my baby, then I lost my filly Chilly after trying so hard to save her. They say everything comes in 3's. Its just so hard to take! Corinne
So very sorry. Things just have to get better for you.
Many thanks... it still feels like Emily is tagging along behind me when I go out to do chores... I saw the other thread on mouth cancer in dogs... this took Emily down in a year but it spread throughout her body in other areas.

Otis has still not returned yet but a friend gave me a Siamese cat who has been rehomed a few times... I am hoping she appears from her hiding place so I can welcome her. She is eating and using the litterpan... just looking for her!

So, while some friends have left, it seems like new friends find a welcome place here.


Silversong farm
Cats are good at finding their way home. We will be hoping for the best! Meanwhile enjoy your new friend. Maxine

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