Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Open NOW => Click Here
Announcing: NovemberFest! 2013 An arts & crafts fair here at Lil Beginnings!Right here on the LB Crafts board we'll be having a thread where *you will all be able to post your handmade/handcrafted items / arts and crafts for sale! for **FREE!! to sell horse tack or horse/barn supplies read below.
That's right! A crafts fair right here on November 1st which will run for 30 days!!!

To sign up,
*You must be either a current active member of our forums, OR a Small Horse Connect member.
Email me the following info:
Forum name
Item/s you plan to sell
[email protected]
On receipt of your information, once approved ***I will email you a copy of the rules (also posted below) and the link for you to use to add your items when it's time, then watch for our NovemberFest 2013 thread that will open for posting the night of Oct. 31st so we can post our goods for sale!

***Rules -read carefully
You may post your photos, prices and contact information with your items, you are also welcome to post a link with your sale items! This is ** FREE for current active members of our forums as well as Small Horse Connect (Lil Beginnings Breeders Connect Membership Directory) members.
The following rules apply:
Link to your personal website only, including but not limited to your store on Etsy, Zazzle, Cafepress, etc. If you are unsure please send me the link for approval before posting it.
To keep each post from being so long If you have more than 6 photos or items for sale to post use thumbnails for each item, if you don't have a photo gallery to link to you might want to use your member photo gallery here on Lil Beginnings and post a link to it, to show off each of your goodies.
DO NOT link to your horse Website sales page "IF" there are any horses or horse tack for sale on it (or advertising to same) otherwise it is fine to use.
If you need to remote link your photos DO NOT use galleries or pages on any equine group, horse tack or selling group, or other social or equine network. For your photos simply use our uploader or use only your own personal Website, your own sales site OR a photo storage site set up to remote link to forums and sales boards such as Photo Bucket.
**Equine artisans:
Link to your personal website only, including but not limited to your store on Etsy, Zazzle, Cafepress, etc. If you are unsure please send me the link for approval before posting it.
To keep each post from being so long If you have more than 6 photos or items for sale to post use thumbnails for each item, if you don't have a photo gallery to link to you might want to use your member photo gallery here on Lil Beginnings and post a link to it, to show off each of your goodies.
DO NOT link to your horse Website sales page "IF" there are any horses or horse tack for sale on it (or advertising to same) otherwise it is fine to use.
If you need to remote link your photos DO NOT use galleries or pages on any equine group, horse tack or selling group, or other social or equine network. For your photos simply use our uploader or use only your own personal Website, your own sales site OR a photo storage site set up to remote link to forums and sales boards such as Photo Bucket.
**Equine artisans:
If you make or sell any type of home made/hand crafted horse tack or horse/barn supplies such as custom halters, handmade custom breast collars, training videos or books, foal blankets, tack items - such as helmet covers or braided halters, barn supplies - such as homemade hay feeders, etc that you would like to sell here, we welcome you also with a small fee to do so. **Let me know at the time that you email me to sign up. Just pay a $25 tack/supplies selling fee by using paypal to [email protected]
BUT!!! If you are a member of Small Horse Connect, there will be NO FEE for these items either!!!!
BUT!!! If you are a member of Small Horse Connect, there will be NO FEE for these items either!!!!

Lil Beginnings will be ad. promoting this sale for added exposure to your items. Thank you to LB for this wonderful opportunity

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