Holly Horse,,,,,,what an awesome total!!!!!
I just know we can reach the original goal!!!
Ok, it is time, FOR MY MATCH!!
My son has donated, twice, and I had not yet given for me.
I am so very very thankful for Prints and all she has been through and recovered from and have learned so much from her strength.
For Prints, her is my match:
I need 3 people to donate, $111.11 a piece, this being your first donation, you can't already have donated.
and I will then donate, $111.11,,,,,,,,X's 4(the 3 others) for a grand total of $444.44
If you have already donated, go find a friend!!!! I need 3 previous folks to donate!!! Post it here!!! Surely after all you have listened to, you'll do it just to make me go away!!!
Or,,,,,,donate $50 and receive a CMHR T-Shirt.
Or give anything you can, $1, or $2, it does not matter. Each and every dime given, adds up!!! I am not just feeding you a line. This $4 Mission was started to give ALL a chance to be able to help. We felt it was a dollar amount most could do.
Due to Thursday being Thanksgiving, I think we have about 32 hours to go!!!!
Please help!!!!! You will be rewarded, many times over!!!