I thank a soldier every day. Not just on days that are stressed or days that someone thinks they need to remind me. I thank them every day. I call them, dad and uncle and brother. They all fought so I can have the right to vote for whom ever I so choose to vote for without anyone else telling me I am right or wrong.
This entire election has shown me that as a nation we can only come together when tragedy strikes, but when it comes to who will be the leader of our nation, all everyone wants to do is fight, call each other wrong, harass others, and generally call people ugly names for not thinking they way they do. It is my right a citizen of the United States to vote for the candidate of my choice, so yes, Thank you Dad for giving me that right. Thank you Billie, Bobby, John H and Clarence, thank you Jimmy, thank you to my Grandpa Joe, Thank you all for serving this country with a total of 110 years of your lives. I appreciate you all alot.
And to the four of you that are still alive with us today, I hope the vote goes the way you want it to. You earned it.