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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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West Central Wisconsin on the Mississippi River
I find it so ironic that so many of McCains ideas now ARE Obamas ideas. Things he was very adamant over doing he now has switched and using it like it was his ideas all along. I. E. clean coal etc. He is on right now talking. He has changed on so many things I just can't believe anything he says anymore.
Give us a break for ONE DAY !! It's irrelevant at this point.
Irrevelant at this point, eh? WOW, so all those undecided to heck with them. And all you Obama supporters don't care that this man is double talking....he can do or say whatever, you voting for him anyway.

God help this country.
I find it so ironic that so many of McCains ideas now ARE Obamas ideas. Things he was very adamant over doing he now has switched and using it like it was his ideas all along

Oh but THAT is good news! At least he will do some things right if he gets in the oval office.

Don't take your eyes off of Obama though or we will be a third world country soon - over run with illegals, terrorists, pastors d _ m_ ing America, Farrahkan followers and those that no longer need to work because they are finally getting a piece of the pie - not Obama's pie but mine & yours ( evidence - look at his dear auntie living in a slum)....... He ain't sharing his but he will mandate that you share yours!

Take this as fearmongering if you wish but if you look at everything about Obama you should be concerned.

"They that are on their guard and appear ready to receive their adversaries, are in much less danger of being attacked than the supine, secure and negligent."Benjamin Franklin - - McCain /Palin 08
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Basset - why dont you combine ALL your negativity into ONE post instead of filling up the Back Porch everyday ?

I can say what I want if you are going to keep on it.
If Obama's elected, in short order, some people may have a much different perspective on what they NOW call fear mongering. I have a feeling we as a Nation will learn the hard way
Jill, really, I wish for you and others to find some peace. I've said it before and I'll say it again-I don't know how you mange to go on living with such fear of a fellow citizen and so little faith in the checks and balances in this country. It must be tough.
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LoweriseMinis said:
Jill, really, I wish for you and others to find some peace. I've said it before and I'll say it again-I don't know how you mange to go on living with such fear of a fellow citizen and so little faith in the checks and balances in this country. It must be tough.
Lowrise, it may be that time / experience, achievement and success has just given me a perspective you have not yet obtained.
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Remember that if Obama's elected and tested as Biden and many others feel sure he will be.

You can try and belittle of my sincere concerns if you want. They're true concerns, not fear mongering, and come from the perspective of someone who realizes what is at stake to be lost both on the individual level and as a Nation.
Remember that if Obama's elected and tested as Biden and many others feel sure he will be.
I think if you look back at history you will see that most of your President's were "tested" during their term. That is what Biden meant but for some reason
would rather keep dredging this up over and over
and refuse to understand what was meant. Oh well, it will be all over tomorrow and the only thing the U.S. will have to fear tomorrow, if Obama should be your next President, is getting republicans that are like "pitbulls" (can't or won't let go) to be patriotic and back their President. If it should be McCain I doubt very much that the democrats would go that route. Come on Tuesday! Enough of this already.
Basset - why dont you combine ALL your negativity into ONE post instead of filling up the Back Porch everyday ? I can say what I want if you are going to keep on it.
Who Me negative????
Like I say WHY in the H*** are you reading my posts if they BOTHER and UPSET you SO MUCH? It is up to you how upset you want to be. Have it your way. Do what you want. I don't have time to put everything in one post. If you want to KNOW all the negative things for Obama go DIG for it yourself. Heaven knows there is enough of it out there. Now Please leave me alone. You got in on this later than most people so find your own material, since you are one who has to berate anyone who says anything that you don't agree with. Have fun.
I think that Basset LOVEs Obama,,, she talks about him everyday. Sorry Basset.
Basset - Please forgive me ?
I'm sorry. I've never been this "fired up" about a Presidential election before.
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One thing you are going to have to understand,,, some of you have been in ecstasy having the war mongering president in office. He has killed so many and that doesn't bother you. So yes, if Obama gets in he will have to go a LONNGGGG way in my opinion to live up to W. I WILL be happy if he gets in office.

And every time I see McCain Palin all they are doing is pointing fingers and freaking out about Obama,,, They are not telling me anything about how they would help this country.

See you here tomorrow, same bat time, same bat place!

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