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I told you I loved my pets! you should see her in her little John Deer diaper! that's cute
Ok, I have to be honest, chickens scare me. Well, all big birds scare me. But your chicken with the diaper on is soooooo cute! Was it hard to train her to wear one? I can't imagine manhandling a chicken long enough to change a diaper.
Cleaning - No, seriously

I am OCD when it comes to things being in order, clean and where I want them. I clean the house, barn, truck, my car ext (I have things that have to be in certain places everywhere..) and make sure everything is in place or else I feel very stressed out to the point I cannot think / sleep or even relax. It can get pretty bad when i'm really stressed over something - You can almost tell as the house will be spotless. I actually have medication from my doctor to take when I get to frustrated over things being out of place (valium)...its sort of how I handle my stress if that makes sense? Things being in place and feeling "right". Its a daily thing with me ...

It can get pretty bad at a hectic horse show, as i'm OCD about the tack stall and horse trailer being neat, clean and everything in order. Several times a day at the shows I have to say "okay...stop...lets clean first". When my little nephews come over and make a wreck in the house is a really bad time for me....

I poke fun at it a lot and its not something i'm shy about, its just part of who I am.

Apart from my crazy OCD - I do enjoy watching Ghost Hunters (TAPS) !!!!! I watch it almost daily (catching up on past seasons on youtube)!

I found this picture the other day and it made me giggle...me to a T!

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Note to self, keep Leanna out of our house!
it would give her a major breakdown!

Let's see, computer time is a big one, I can be online all day and not run out of things to do, and no, I don't do any of the Facebook thingies.

I love Dept. 56 too, but finally reined myself in and will only buy horse related things or Christmas tree things, well, unless it is something really cool. Snow Village only.

My dogs. I love my Corgis, and foster rescue dogs. I have a long term rescue right now, not a purebred and ugly to boot, but we may be placing her soon. We'll see.
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I like to buy paintings..I love origional artwork. My mother , grandmother and G grandmother are all painters, so I guess thats where it came from. I love living in Europe, I find beautiful old paintings, in the "Brockihause" here and in Italy..
If you were to ask my horses this question , they would tell you that I collect halters and blankets that I dont need.
Jody, I now you reined yourself in from Dept 56
but have you seen the DV Wilkenson & Kidd Saddlery? I got it for X-mas and love it, even though its Dickens Village...lol..., its in my snow village.. it has a animated horse with a woman rider, riding sidesaddle, and when you look in the lit windows you see a rack of saddles. Its a cool new piece, and its horse related...
Awww you are killing me! I'll have to go look.

It will be your fault, you know. Ignorance WAS bliss.
OK! Does someone have a picture of their snow villiage??? I'm beyond curious now. My dad built a tiny city once, that was on a piece of plyboard, and had miniature trees, homes, and all sorts of things. Is that what Dept 56 is? Like a train going around a town?

Edited to add...I went and researched Dept 56 and I think I'm familiar with that now. How big are your collections? Do you set them up on a big table, or do you decorate shelves? I imagine with so much to collect, you guys would need a lot of room.
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l took pictures of all of our villages this year, l'll have to post some tomorrow. We set them up on counters, tables, the piano, over the tv, and one village has special tables that are set up just for it.
I have read this several times, so decided to add mine. I have one some what like Leanna's, but in her picture, not only was it the pencil off to the side that bothered me, the other pencils weren't sharpened to the same length!!

But my newest is snails! I got a fish and some snails several months back but it was the snails I ended up watching, not the fish!
. I have been reading all I can find on them and have added some more, and plants. I just find them fasinating! Very matter of fact in all their moves, they watch me as well and I can't wait to add more! I have yet to find anyone who understands, so I haven't talked any about it. Now that its out, I'll go hang out in a plant with them!
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I have yet to find anyone who understands, so I haven't talked any about it.
I totally understand! When I was little, we lived in Redding California and after it rained, the snails would come out. I couldn't wait to go out and "play" with them. There's nothing quite like the feeling of a snail moving across your arm.
The only bad thing is trying to hopscotch across the yard so you didn't step on any. That was NOT fun!
Frankie said:
But my newest is snails! I got a fish and some snails several months back but it was the snails I ended up watching, not the fish!
. I have been reading all I can find on them and have added some more, and plants. I just find them fasinating! Very matter of fact in all their moves, they watch me as well and I can't wait to add more! I have yet to find anyone who understands, so I haven't talked any about it. Now that its out, I'll go hang out in a plant with them!
Hey, I LOVE snails!! I was always fascinated by the tiny aquatic ones in my dad's fish tanks when I was little and since we don't garden I'm quite fond of the occasional few that I find around our property. (Mostly we have slugs- yuck!) I think the most guilt-inducing sound in the world is that nasty crunch when I step on a snail I didn't see on my way out to the barn.

I also love tiny lizards, like newts and chameleons and such. I get so excited when I see one during visits to desert states! They seem magical.

Here are a few pictures of our Dept 56 villages

The North Pole Series



Santa's Village





Fezziwig's from The Christmas Carol


Scrooge's house



Victoria Station, one of my favorites



Fox Hunting

Oh my goodness, those are just beautiful! I can see why you love them and collect so many. My personal favorite is Scrooge's house. Wow.
Here is my Dept 56 Snow village from 2006. It has grown at least to 80 pieces in size not counting the acesseries.



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My obsession would be my mini's and dogs. I take very good care of them. I LOVE Limestones Miniatures. Can't tell can you. I'm just a big Billy Idol and Hawk fan. I guess my other obsession would be my boots, I LOVE my boots. I think I've got 10 pair. I wear them all too, depending on what outfit I have on and during show season I wear them out in the ring. I've ALWAYS been a shoe and purse freak. Love to collect good smelling pink bottles of perfume. My "favorite" is Brittany Spears Fantasy, man that stuff smells good, another one is Pink Sugar, I like it too. Mainly ALL my money goes to the horses and dogs. OH AND I LOVE, MISS ME JEANS!!!!!! I have 4 pair!!!!!! LOVE, LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! I WANT MORE!!!!!!!! TJ
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