OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2004
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***Seal Rock, Oregon***
Seeing the thread on quirks got me to wondering how many of you have a TRUE OCD? One that effects you in a negative way. Some are not so bad, being a neat freak can be an OCD, but sometimes it can be bad, taking over your life.

I have an OCD. It has made my life difficult to say the least. Affected my self-esteem and it's a secret that I've hid for 27 years. OMG. I can't believe it's been THAT long! It started when I was 10. Pretty much ruined my high school years.

I was able to stop it for a whole 2 months once several years ago, but it came back. The problem is, at the rate I'm going, it's gone to be impossible to hide in another few years.

ALSO, a HUGE thing has happened. I've caught my oldest daughter (she's 11) doing it. She's not seriously affected yet, it's not habit YET. I'm sooooooo not sure what to do. I'm going to tell her my problem and I guess I'm going to TRY to get helpd. I've researched it MANY times over the years and did takes meds for it once, but it didn't help. I HAVE to help her prevent what I've gone through. She's already got anxiety and esteem issues, so I have to try to protect her from what this could do to her.


Anyhow, just wondering if any of you out there have suffered from one form of it or another. I've only told ONE person (besides my Dr.) in my entire life. My husband. Before I could marry him, he had to know. Thought for sure he'd think I was a freak. We've been together for 17 years now. The reason I haven't shared with anyone, even my closest friends is because it's so embarrassing and I can just picture them looking at me every time they see me trying to see any visible change in me.

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post. Believe me, it was a huge challenge for me to type this. I just figure this place is like family to me and thought I might find someone who truly understands.
I don't have OCD but I imagine it must be really hard for you. It was brave of you to post and I hope someone PM's you with some support. I would get your daughter in counseling as soon as possible. It will make it a lot easier for her to understand why she is different and cope with it.

Good luck- I wish you well.
I do not have an OCD, per se, but I think I can almost understand it sometimes...

I think it is so difficult to try and cope with some things that often we have manifestations of behavior to try and soothe themselves and though that behavior may seem odd to someone else, it makes perfect sense to us, such as pulling our hair out, or picking at something til it bleeds, washing our hands so much they are raw, etc. etc.

I do understand the pain you must be in, and particularly for your little girl. I am glad you have a loving and supportive husband, too. I know that must help a great deal.

I would certainly do some research and try to find any help that you can for your daughter. Help her educate herself and find at least the comfort of knowing that she isn't alone, that you care enough to help her w/this, etc.

Liz M.
Yes, very minor though. I count. Not all the time, and when I catch myself doing it, I try to stop. It didn't start until I was 20 or so, and working at the USGS (United States Geological Survey). I was basically the lab's dishwasher. And you had to do things in the correct order, doing them so many times a piece. So I was basically counting for hours while washing dishes. My brother is a neat freak. Neither of us has been diagnosed, but I can see the signs in both of us. It doesn't really affect me in a negative way, but it sure is annoying. Then again, it does give my brain something to do when nothing is going on. I tend to count only when I don't have something more important to think about. So when I find myself counting, I've started to think about what breedings I would like to be able to do. You know, what stallion with which mare, and what the prospective foals would be like. It's infinitely more interesting, and it helps keep the counting under control. There for a while I was counting everything! I also pick. But I've been doing that since I was a teen. It just occured to me right now (reading Nootka's post) that that is another manifestation of OCD. Hmm... maybe I should go see a doctor.

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