Shavings... and here's why... We had our QH (in the picture) boarded at a VERY PRICEY GORGEOUS horse farm that used staw. Well, she had chronic hoof problems. The straw didn't absorb urine well at all, and the farm put those glue on shoes on her, and charged me $125 a shoe!!!!!!!!! I got her home, put her on shavings, and no more hoof problems. She was walking on her frogs... it was awlful. A year later... after going to shavings... she has gorgeous hooves. I checked with an owner prior to where I was boarding her, and they had her on shavings, and not one hoof problem... Our current farrier said he believes that the shavings kept her hooves drier. She spends alot of time in the barn, because she's black and black can be.... so yeppers... I voted shavings..
I know... hay for the babies....
God Bless,
Lynn W
I am not familiar with the Woody pet. Could someone please give me more info on them??? How do you like them??? I'll switch if everyone thinks they are much better. How about disposal of them??