Oh The Things I Find In The Basement

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2006
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Fruitvale B.C. (Canada)
Good grief,

The things I find in the basement, and our house being old go hand in hand. I still have not yet found Jimmy Hoffa, but i'm sure he'll turn up next
. With the recent rains and snow melt, we found out that the basement 'seeps'. I found two spots of dampness, and one of them had an occupant. Hubby screamed like a girl thinking it was a snake,,hahahah! I got a better look, and low and behold it's a salamander
. I'm all for seeing those type of critters living outside, but one in the basement?--not a chance. I promptly scooped up Sal/Sally, and was going to turn it loose outside but I saw it was trying to snow again and felt bad.

Now I have a 'pet' salamander living in an aquarium with whatever a salamander needs--(I read care pages off the net). It has been eating maggots, lovingly purchased from our local bait shop, and I plan on finding it other buggy snacks to keep it's little salamander tummy full
. I keep trying to tell myself--I do not need another pet--over and over, but I can't resist it's cute little face.

I took it's piece of bark it hides under out for the pictures. It does have a pool of water--(it just didn't end up in the pic). Here are the two best pictures I could get of our new found friend


LOL That is great, he is cute.

It's pretty funny how some of us on here are so much alike and caring about other living things I am the same way, I find myself always saving those catapillers that crawl up on the lawn before the grass gets cut
lol Good luck with your new "pet" we can never have "too" much

LOL That is great, he is cute.

It's pretty funny how some of us on here are so much alike and caring about other living things I am the same way, I find myself always saving those catapillers that crawl up on the lawn before the grass gets cut
lol Good luck with your new "pet" we can never have "too" much


I feel sooo bad for the orange and black caterpillars before winter, and I try to put them in an unused pile of hay in the barn
. I rescued so many 'cow birds' from the water trough last year, and am always making sure the little frogs--(tree frogs I think) are always out of harms way. I just can't help myself. I love all creatures


Pretty neat! My son would be all for that! I don't mind salamanders, but snakes... well, lets just say I would have to find a nice warm spot for it under the hay shed or somewhere else I thought it could survive. I couldn't sleep if I thought one was in the house.

I also, save anything that I can(with the exception of large spiders and snakes).... I hate being on the roads after it rains with all the frogs. I try so hard to avoid them, but there is always soooo many.

One year I picked up a turtle that was trying to cross the road with a steep embankment on both sides.... he was going to be a gonner if I didn't do something so I put him in my car and brought him home. I saw him the next year go past the barn.

I don't mind snakes--(although all I think we have for snakes here are garter snakes)---but they stink when handled. They do keep the mice down if left to their own devices. I heard one take down a mole in the field last year, and darn if I didn't think it was a baby rabbit screaming it was so loud---amazing critters.

The frogs I have just noticed--(although it is just rounding our 1 year anniversary of living here). They aren't plentiful, so it's okay. I once tried to pick up a larger lake turtle once, and it promptly 'told' me what it thought of me by wetting and hissing,,lol!. I put it back, washed my hands and promised that was my last turtle experience ever.

I can't wait to see what new creatures I find this year besides the coyotes, bears, skunks, wolves, cougars. I also HATE spiders--mostly just the big ones though. The little ones are okay if they keep to themselves

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What a cute little guy/gal.....they have the neatst little faces! When we first moved here I found a couple of little Salamanders down in our basement too...and one out in the yard near some rocks. We have all kinds of snakes....(we don't mind them unless they go for the chicks)...but they do keep the rat and mice population down. Have also come across Skinks....very pretty rainbow colored ones.

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