Well-Known Member
Good grief,
The things I find in the basement, and our house being old go hand in hand. I still have not yet found Jimmy Hoffa, but i'm sure he'll turn up next
. With the recent rains and snow melt, we found out that the basement 'seeps'. I found two spots of dampness, and one of them had an occupant. Hubby screamed like a girl thinking it was a snake,,hahahah! I got a better look, and low and behold it's a salamander
. I'm all for seeing those type of critters living outside, but one in the basement?--not a chance. I promptly scooped up Sal/Sally, and was going to turn it loose outside but I saw it was trying to snow again and felt bad.
Now I have a 'pet' salamander living in an aquarium with whatever a salamander needs--(I read care pages off the net). It has been eating maggots, lovingly purchased from our local bait shop, and I plan on finding it other buggy snacks to keep it's little salamander tummy full
. I keep trying to tell myself--I do not need another pet--over and over, but I can't resist it's cute little face.
I took it's piece of bark it hides under out for the pictures. It does have a pool of water--(it just didn't end up in the pic). Here are the two best pictures I could get of our new found friend
The things I find in the basement, and our house being old go hand in hand. I still have not yet found Jimmy Hoffa, but i'm sure he'll turn up next

Now I have a 'pet' salamander living in an aquarium with whatever a salamander needs--(I read care pages off the net). It has been eating maggots, lovingly purchased from our local bait shop, and I plan on finding it other buggy snacks to keep it's little salamander tummy full

I took it's piece of bark it hides under out for the pictures. It does have a pool of water--(it just didn't end up in the pic). Here are the two best pictures I could get of our new found friend