OK This is just so gross but..........

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My tack room somehow got infested with FROGS! No joking. This is just disgusting and I am dreadfully scared of frogs in the first place. Never could stand the sight of them. They just gross me out something pitiful. They make me cringe.

I noticed during the start of summer I had 1 living behind the feed cans and thought oh well, he can stay and eat bugs. Little did I know that he had CUZINS! Tennessee being what it is an all, fertile like that.

So last week I was screaming and I mean SCREAMING and this girl came over and got out 7 frogs for me and threw them out into the fields. Well, there was more.

Today I go in there and there I see two of them humping away having sex under my little stool. (Am I allowed to say that?) I'm not trying to talk dirty or anything but after I swatted them with my broom to quit that, oh my gosh they were squishy too and so fat makes me barff, I tried to get them out the door of the tack room and then they started to hide in the corners so I took off........

If I reach in one of my grooming tool boxes and accidently touch one or he jumps near me I'm going to completely freak.

Called Jerry and he comes and starts looking all over in there and he says yes, we have about an even dozen; maybe more and didn't get them out because he thinks they are not bothering anything. He's no help. Well they are bothering me and I want them to go very far away.

If I have to take my entire contents out of my tack room I am going to really be upset. That's about a whole day's work.

Any suggestions? They are reallly gross and I don't want anymore baby froggies in my tack room made.

[SIZE=12pt]6 frogs legs[/SIZE]

salt and pepper

lemon juice

1 egg

cracker crumbs

Skin frogs legs, wash in cold water, then dry legs.

Season with salt and pepper and lemon juice.

Beat the eggs; add seasonings and dip the legs in beaten egg.

Roll legs in cracker crumbs and fry in deep fat at 390°F for 2 or 3 minutes.

:saludando: Get yourself a King Snake. Not only won't you have anymore frogs but you won't have any other snakes either. A rattler runs from them. They are non-poisonous and eat other snakes including rattlers. :bgrin
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Oh Marty!!! rotflmao

please don't take offence to me laughing at you!!!! It's the first laugh I've had all day!!! Thanks!!!! :aktion033: :saludando:

:risa_suelos: Oh Marty I am sorry for laughing but I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard.

I realize you are afraid but thanks for brightening my day!

Oh my marty, i have missed these stories sooo much ..they always make me giggle :lol:.

I have a phobia of Snakes and Frogs ...weird combo huh? Its not that i'm scared of the frogs as much as it is i just cant touch them or get really close to someone holding one. We use to find them all the time and since i cannot touch them i would get a coffee can and lid. Corner the dirty little thing and get it in the can then get the lid on before it jumps out. Then HURRY and dump the thing somewhere far away (we have a creek behind our house).

Maybe if you scream loud enough you can scare every frog off in the county :lol: :lol:
: hehe Made me laugh to.My brother had to come over and see what was so funny! :bgrin lol Hope you can get rid of the little terrors.
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Screaming doesnt chase them away TRUST ME!

we had one in our house :new_shocked: :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Imagine 3 girls afraid of creepy crawly things and a frog.. what a nightmare.. cant even fully describe but lets just say the plan was throw a cat in the room and let them catch them this after 15 min of screaming and standing on chairs was the best we could come up with(short of calling 911)

Ok so plan A works somewhat cat catches frog great.. but then something we didnt plan on at all.. cat jumps out of room with frog and goes to living room where it loses frog- more crying and screaming and jumping on furniture- truly thinking this might be a 911 time after all, calls to friends in other states ( I know but seemed logical at the time
: ) and then we found him and some inginuity a couple of shoe boxes and a dust pan and the frog went outside..

tramatizes me even thinking about it so Marty I totally understand!
Are you positive its frogs or are they toads? Frogs would have to leave once they are fertilized will go to water to lay their eggs so the females anyway will leave the tack room however if they are toads then you will have to find another way to be rid of them. They hibernate up here because it gets so cold but where you are not sure. Hubby says try moth flakes around the edges of the walls where they are hiding. Most rodents hate them and we've been told snakes dont like them either so hopefully frogs or toads whichever you have would also want to leave if you do this. I have grandsons so they relocate any toads that get in our barn to flower gardens to help with the bugs. I wont touch them either.
Wish I was there Marty. As long as they're not spiders I'd get them out. Frogs and toads don't bother me, but the tiniest spider does. What did you do about the lizards when you lived in Florida? Did they bother you?

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Chickens take care of our frog/toad population. Since we have downsized however, I have a Boxer that is a frog demolition machine. She'll go around the property at night, sneak up on them and lay her paw on them...for a few seconds...then on to the next one. It's like an assembly line.
I think you might have some big 'ole toads!!

I love toads so I am no help and my girls are brilliant at catching them!

They would have them cleared out in no time for you!!

I have mice in my barn and I hate them..........darn cats don't think the barn is there domain!!!!!! I need to get a barn cat that knows his/her job!

I feel for you though because the other day I reached in to a bucket and a mouse ran up my hand and I almost jumped out of my skin.............YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silly cats kill all the mice in the yard but don't go near the barn
Well Marty if you can wait until I get there at the end of the month, I'll get rid of them for you, they don't bother me a bit!

Thanks for the smile :bgrin
I feel like starting a thread called, "Creepy things and things that go bump in the night". I hope you forgive me for hijacking the thread for a moment.

When we lived in Maine in an "A" frame hubby opened the windows one night in the great room on the second floor. There was sa screen missing byt he thought, in Maine in the fall, not too many bugs around. So we're all watching TV and Stephen starts screaming, while pointing at the ceiling fan. "Look at the birdie Mommy... Daddy... LOOK AT THE BIG BIRDIE!"... We were watching a new movie we had just gotten, and ignored him because we knew birds aren't big at flying at night. All of a sudden we hear a big WHOMP, and this black thing falls to the floor. Stephen's yelling.. BIRDIE HURT! FIX THE BIRDIE MOMMA... I finally look away from the movie and there is a bat and BIG BLACK BAT laying on the living room floor with an injured wing. I don't like frogs or toads... I like bats even less.

I'm screamig on the futon, and Stephen is in his playpen yelling for me to fix the birdie. Hubby wasn't a whole lot of help either. (He'd never admit it, but he was sheet white). Hubby got a fishing net and put it over the bat and slipped a piece of cardboard under the net... (WRONG IDEA)... the thing stuck to the net. It was flapping around and we couldn't do anything much with it... I was still screaming. I handed hubby a bowl, as it flopped back on the carpet. Hubby says, "well what do you want me to do now? So he slipped the cardboard under the bowl and dumped it out the open window. The poor thing survived for three days on the front lawn surrounded by cats.... (Even the cats were afraid of it, but fascinated by it's flapping around) I was too afraid to go out the front door, and would just take a peak out the bedroom window, to see if it was still there. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

If it was me, if I could, I'd squirt down the entire room, and use water pressure to get the thingies out of that room. If that didn't work, I'd put on ski gear head to toe and sweep the things outside.

BTW... I read it's a good idea to line a tack or feed room with tin... that critters can't chew on, or get under.

God Bless you Marty,

Please keep us posted... I gotta go take a shower.. I feel creepy just thinking of bats and frogs... ewwwwww..
I'm glad to hear there is someone other than me that is terrified of frogs. I woul divorce my husband if he torchered me with a frog. So I'm not sure what you should do except run LOL
Oh Marty. I can relate. Because we have a pond about an acre in size dead square in the center of our property, we have a ton of frogs, toads, bull frogs, you name it. My suggestion is get a Jack Russell Terrier. I don't know if all JRT's are "froggers" but my little JRT, TJ, is the best frogger on the street. He just knows instinctively where they are and off he goes right after them. Also my barn cats catch quite a few too.


Roxy's Run Miniatures/Renditions
Oh Marty, I feel for you...I HATE snakes, mice, and bats. We have toads, and frogs around by us, but they dont really bother me, unless of course one jumps up and out really unexpectidly. Then you would see me jump up and out too! Now snakes, mice and bats---forget it! My barn cats are super lazy, when they see something that is suppose to be there "catch of the day" they seem to think its only a play toy, they will bat the mice and leave them run off. BIG MOUSERS we have! Dont see to many snakes around, but I sure know we have them too. Bob always has to inform me when he is through bailing hay, that he seem quit a few snakes and he bailed them up.....guess he wants to start doing all the feeding himself, because I swear the first time I see a snake in hay--I am done feeding! :bgrin OHHHHH just the thought of it!!! ...and BTY, most of our snakes are the little grass snake kind, nothing major, but still a snake! heck, I dont even like nightcrawlers, but we tolerate each other :bgrin unlike me and snakes! ohh yuck...just thinking about this post!
Probably toads, frogs only "hump" on the water - and it's called "amplexus" I think - no humping involved!

I love frogs - I have a tatoo of one on my left shoulder, and we are a certified wildlife habitat to help our local frogs (mainly Pacific Chorus Frogs) and toads (CA Western Toads) have places to survive.

From the "Frogwatch" site of the National Wildlife Federation:

"Amphibians, such as frogs and toads, have porous skin that makes them especially sensitive to changes in their environment. As their life cycle requires both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, these vulnerable creatures are among the first to suffer the consequences of environmental threats such as pollution, destruction of wetlands and other habitats, non-native species introduction, and increased ultraviolet radiation. Over 200 amphibian species from around the world have experienced recent population declines. As an indicator of greater ecosystem health, this widespread trend raises many concerns about the health of our environment."

According to Frogwatch, there are 23 species of frogs and toads in TN... among them this pretty guy called a "fowler's toad"


Here's the whole list:

Frogs in TN

So many frogs and toads are endangered these days - please don't kill them!

Here's some of our frog links:

Our Frogs

and PART of the outdoor frog collection....

Yard Frogs

There are many, many more frog items in the house, including well over 200 frogs in our little bathroom alone!

I'm sure they are Toads.

Just go and stand in the tackroom, stop screaming and tell them firmly to leave, and stay there and be a bit cross, too, not scared, just firm and cross, they do not like negative vibes, (who does??) and they will go.

Trust me.

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