Awww, happy birthday a day late! LOL, I passed 24 long ago and now just like them to pass quietly by, I get down right MEAN if people bring it up, lol!
The quarter-century mark, the I-can-finally-rent-a-car-from-any-company-and-without-paying-double mark....LOL. The "Oh my God, what do you mean in five years I'll be thirty and there's no husband on the horizon, no kids?" mark. I'm still finding that transition from running forward from year to year to putting the brakes on to be hysterically funny. We are just so silly about that....
And Geese, my coworkers "cheering me up" involved banners and flowers and teddy bears, not a night on the town! LOL They baked me a cake with little plastic horses on it, which figures since they've all adopted Spyder and Kody and seem to consider them communal property.
: I've said it before, but it bears repeating: I love this job.
Thanks so much everyone for the good wishes. I got warm fuzzies from seeing all the familiar names popping up on my screen. And between that and the pizza, I had a pretty good night. :bgrin