Oklahoma City Fire Report

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So glad to see your post and know that you, your horses and your place are OK. Just reading about it and watching the coverage on TV was terrifying, so I can't imagine what it was like to live through. I feel for your neighbors.
what a blessing to have such lovely helpful people at a time in need,

Thankyou Becky for helping out you are such a blessing.

Charlotte I'm so glad you and your family n animals are ok... praying for those who lost some things or everything must be so tough! actually must be awful!!!

so glad you guys made it out ok
Charlotte we have been watching these threads as well as our news, holding you all in our prayers. So glad to hear you all, your home, barn and your horses were spared. Very sorry and saddened to hear of the great losses around you.
Charlotte, so glad you are home and safe...hope the sirens you heard don't mean another fire. Wonderful that you have good people nearby to rely on!

I'm sooooo happy for you guys!!!! What a scary thing to go through. We were at Red Earth right around the time it started, I guess. I had no clue! Not that I had a trailer, but I could have helped lead horses, or grabbed anything else you needed. Here's hoping you never have to go through anything like that again!!
Thanking God that you and your little ones are ok and praying for all the others in the path of this fire. What a very, VERY scary ordeal!
My heart was in my throat when I read your post. I can't imagine how frightening that situation was. I'm so glad you were able to get all the horses out okay. What wonderful friends, family and neighbors you have! It is so heartwarming to see how people band together in an emergency! I'm still praying your "horsey" neighbors also got their animals out safely.

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