On Line Coggins

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]I am in charge of these at the clinic I work at. I havent gotten to do any yet for I am still in the set up stage, but I cant wait to do it on my horses I plan on showing.... instead of drawing the pic, we take a pic and it will end up being on the papers! What a great idea for the clinics that get APPYS and PINTOS in LOL.[/SIZE]

I have talked to my vet about it so far he is doing the hand written ones but he is one man operation and doesnt like to take time to do stuff on his computer
I had mine done like that last year when we moved, got them the year before also. I REALLY like them. Its hard for the vets to draw all the markings on the pintos and appy's, its also harder to falsify the coggins on sale horses. Its also easier to get a copy if one gets damaged or lost. Its about time the vets caught up with the digital age

Sounds like an interesting idea, never seen it though.

Are they just for the clinics to use, or is there an area on a clinic website for owners to sign into and print out? I would think that kind of thing could be useful, for again like someone else said if one gets damanged or lost etc.
My vet sent me the copy or I was able to pick it up in his office. Worked just like the old ones was just printed on computer paper instead of the old yellow, pink and white transfer paper I think thats what its called.

Did 3 of ours like that last year. I think it's a wonderful idea! I got to pick up the papers at the vets office the next day! I LOVE the new system!
We have been doing the coggins that way for several years here in Florida. Love it and keeps people honest with the horses pic right on there!!! :bgrin
From what I've interpreted from information posted/available, etc......certain agencies and the vets, of course, can access the data base and print as needed. I do not think that the individual can but, through their vet can obtain a copy. I'm of the opinion that it could be emailed to them -- that MAY BE WRONG
: Naturally, there is a pass code.

It is great with the actual picture. AND it certainly will assist with situations where the cogs are switched among horses and or dates changed (yes, it does happen!).

My thought was that facilities which were designed to host shows would be able to access but, not sure. It's about time they started to use available technology and it is certainly a consideration for accuracy. Haven't had one done yet but will in a few months.
I don't believe we have that technology at my vet, but I bought a horse with the coggins with the picture and thought they were a great idea. I hope we have those here soon also.

Our vet did the picture and computer thing with coggins last year. The pictures are nice instead of drawings. The only problem we had was that the "original" that everyone wants to "see" looked just like the copies as, like you said, it's just on computer paper! I had one show group question whether or not I was presenting them with the "original" and they weren't sure what to do about it.
[SIZE=14pt]This system is only for the vets and it has a LOT of red tape to go threw to get started.... as I am learning this week..... asking for the STUPIDEST things. The lab we send to emails us back with the results and we print them off. We make as many copies as we need. I figure 2 will be all that is needed. One for the owner and one for our records. Not sure how easy it will be to save it to the compter ... Im sure I will figure it out.[/SIZE]


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