Oozie, ouchy, scritchie, scratchie

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Southern, NJ
My EAR!!! What I thought was a bug bite its turning into a rash of sorts that is bugging the heck out of me!!! Please if someone has any ideas to sooth a oozy rash, please let me know. Started with a "pimple" inside my ear the other day then it turned oozy with blood and liquid...that I popped with a q-tip...that healed and dried up. But the other morning I woke up with what I thought was a bug bite, it itched and itched and I scratched it and now has turned into a scabby rash around my ear lobe that ointments will only sooth for a spell, then it goes right back to itching. I've used alcohol, hydrocortizone, neosporin and now Benadryl lotion. The ear feels hot and looks red too! If nothing else works I may end up heading to the doc's office on Monday...in the meantime anyone got any home remedies or suggestions?

**Just for the record I am not seeking medical advice. I am hoping that if anyone has had luck with calming an itchie rash what else to use?

ALso am trying to think if maybe I have picked up some poison ivy somewhere but I thought it had died down already, and if that were the case it would be all over my hands!!! I can't wear my earrings on my right ear!
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Whatever it is(and it could be anything from a bite, to poison ivy or impetigo) it sounds infected. If it's getting worse see your doctor. Sound like you've tried most of the at home remedies. The problem is if it's an infection you wouldn't want to use the cortisone creams but if it's poison ivy or a bug bite it would help. Until you know which it is you can't know the right treatment......that's why we see doctors...and even they aren't always sure! Good luck.
You do need to see a doc as was stated as it could be anything but in the meantime and old remedy for itchies is baking soda mixed with water into a paste and put on where ever the itchy is. It wont hurt anything and it may help.
Actually if you have a feminine product called Vagacil or any other type of ointment with a topical pain killer it will provide immediate relief from the itching. I have a product I got from my dentist, its Lanacane but contains Benzocane at 30% rather than the 10 or 20% stuff thats available over the counter. But any cream or ointment with Benzocane in it will provide the relief you are looking for. But be sure to consult your family doctor to be on the safe side.
Thanks for the tips you guys. That baking soda paste sounds pretty soothing I'm gonna give that a try. In the meantime if it keeps up I'm heading to the docs next week. Has me somewhat confused. I did a search on Impetigo and altho some rashes in their pic sections does not look like it...one did. Also it mentioned that it can start at the ear lobe and it did. Also it's mimicking poison ivy, but how the heck did I get poison ivy this time of year, from where and what????
Plus if it is poison ivy I'd think it would be on my hands too.
hmmmm.....could it be excema?.......dry, itchy skin...... my Mom tends to get that in winter months...much colder, drier...tends to dry the skin out.......itches & burns, so I have been told. I tend to agree with the others, sounds like a trip to the Dr. is in order. Hope you feel better soon........ I remember we used to use a baking soda paste on bee stings & it generally did stop the itching & stuff.
The two we always use for rashes are make some thick oatmeal and paste that on the rash, and also mud. Believe it or not mud draws out toxins in the body.

Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor but I play one on TV. LOL
Owwwie, that's got to hurt Maybe taking some benedryl for the itching might help rather than putting in on topically? I was always told if it's wet dry it and if it's dry, wet it when it comes to finding the proper concoction to heal something. One good thing is as soon as you can get this under control it should heal very rapidly being that it is in an area with a lot of capillaries.

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