My mare went into labor yesterday at about 3pm 303 at days, I didn’t feel it was time she had no signs no bagging really so I called my vet to please come, he was about an hour out, the white membrane appeared which made me happy to see that but then realizing within a few minutes it was a nose and one hoof, panic struck me so hard. I went to pucture the membrane with my finger to find it was thick like rubber there was literally no tearing it so my daughter ran for the scissors. Even after cutting it open it could barely be ripped was very strange but I reached in looking for the leg couldn’t find it and the baby is looking lifeless head out biting it’s tongue so i decided to pull down with each contraction, she came out and following her onto the ground was the entire placenta. Her front leg was stuck backward inside the membrane that would not rip and the umbilical cord was wrapped around her back legs and knotted so tight we could barely get our fingers under it and also leaving only about a foot of cord and why the placenta was ripped out with the baby. Baby was weak and looked a little premie but breathing well. My mare was confused and kept pushing even after the baby was out, trying to push her uterus out so we had to really keep her walking around until my vet showed up sedated her had to twist her misplaced uterus(not prolapsed tho!) flush her out and give her antibiotics and oxytocin. She didn’t have a drop of colostrum so he gave the baby plasma an antibiotic injection and fluids then I transported her to the equine hospital where she’s in neonatal intensive care but has survived the crucial first 24 hours almost. They remind me “I’m not out of the woods yet” but I’m more hopeful then last night. She had sepsis and is considered a preemie based on a knee X-rays showing only cartilage so she can’t stand on them yet, she weighs 20 lbs. She’s getting round the clock tube feedings, labs. 4 different antibiotics, glucose and more I’m sure. Thank you everyone for all the help throughout. Prayers always welcome