Opinions on my big horses chances in halter class.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2004
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My 10 y/o daughter wants to show my mare in halter this year.

I was wondering what everyone thought of her chances?

She is a 15.1 hand reg. breeding stock APHA mare.




I showed on the AQHA circuit a lot and used to do a ton of halter showing.

This a very nice mare, really...but for riding classes. I would not hesitate to show this mare in trail or horsemanship or showmanship. But i wouldn't put her in halter, IMO.

If you want to know why she might not place well in halter, just send me a PM
It depends on whether you want to show in Breed shows, or Open. I did QHs for years, never liked breed shows, too much snottiness and too much hung on 'who' you were with. Open shows on the other hand were a BLAST. Loved them, loved the people, loved the friends, it was just great.

Maybe find some open shows so she can get her feet wet. It would go a long way for her to at least place the first howevermany times and then see if both of them can go to a breed show. I do agree with Ferrah about showing in riding classes if you decide to do a breed show. But I also think that with conditioning this mare can improve. And by improve I mean for halter standards, which to me are stupid anyhow because they want a bulldog horse that doesnt look like it can be riden , yet its supposed to be the breeds perfection
: Halter showmanship would be a great class as well. Besides EQ, that was my fav class

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