Oregon AMHR owners

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Nov 30, 2002
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(and those in the surrounding states)

I have just exchanged emails with Diane Zmolek of Overlook Farms, and she mentioned that there has not been an active ASPC/AMHR club in Oregon in ages, and that the Oregon Gold show is the first in 20 years.

I have to think that with the growing interest in taller minis and ASPC/AMHR horses, and with the growing presence of the AMHR in the Northwest, that the time may have come to either activate one of the old clubs or start a new one.

Anyone interested? Anyone who, unlike me, is a good organizer?
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If the club had activities or meetings on the East side of the state, and included ASPC, I'd be interested in participating. I'm in SW Idaho.
I would be interested. I am already a member of Evergreen MHC based in WA., and I know there are a couple of AMHR clubs over in Eastern WA right now (IEMHC is one I can think of offhand).

It would be nice to have one that was Oregon based, for sure. I would join.

I would be interested in joining but being in So. Oregon participation in meetings would be limited. Yes, I would join and probably a few others I can think of.
Hi Susanne

Count us in. Summer showed at several amhr shows this last season and will be showing at them again this season as well as putting together a show string for AMHR Nationals.

I WILL be back sometime in the future (next year, maybe?), so count me in as wanting an active AMHR club in Oregon!!
We're not in Oregon (yet!), but would definitely be interested and support (membership, shows, etc.) an AMHR Club.

Here in NorCal we have two AMHR Clubs - AREA VII and Valley Sierra. I do find it a bit of a duplication of effort/membership to have both, but one is more ASPC/AMHR and the other more AMHR.

Susanne, I don't think it's just the height issue that is pulling more AMHR. I know in our area it's also the cost. The AMHA shows are expensive vs the AMHR ones. Even when they've had a split show 1 day R/2 days A - the A classes cost more.
I would join. But I have no way to get to shows and all that. I am the least organized person you will find. Should see where all my research is! :new_shocked:
I kinda thought a few of you might be interested...this is great!

Michelle, you're absolutely right...there are many reasons for AMHR's increasing popularity than just height...that was just the one that popped into my mind at the moment. I'm just glad to see it, and hope it continues to grow.

And Shari, I think we can always arrange a ride for you. In general, I think we would need to make good use of the internet for planning and such to maximum participation for the most people. Of course, I'm speaking as a know-nothing...all of this is new to me!
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Humm,, sounds like fun. Maggie loves to be around people. :bgrin

Don't think she would mind going out and seeing places.
I think we should nominate Susanne as our first president! What would be a good name?? We already have a Northwest Miniature club for AMHA so we wouldn't want to be confused with that.
Just a note in the other direction

There are 4 clubs that offer AMHR shows in Washington, east and west, north and south.


Pacific Crown



Do we support all of these? I join everyone of them. If there were one in OR I would most likely join that one as well and support the show it held. What I find in all clubs is there are a few workers and a lot of those that dont. Maybe we should throw our support into what is already existing and make sure we are supporting the clubs that are established first.

I think what would be really nice if there was a club that would help Diane with the Oregon Gold. She puts that on and does a wonderful job but it is a lot of work and she foots the bill for this herself.

Between WA OR ID MT we have many shows, here is a list of AMHR shows int the 4 state area.

Apr 28-30 AMHR/ASPC Oregon Gold – Oregon Horse Center – Eugene, OR

May 6-7 AMHR May Mini Classic – Lewiston Round-up Grounds – Lewiston, ID

May 19-21 AMHR/ASPC CWMHC Spring Spectacular – Fairgrounds - Walla Walla, WA

June 1-4 AMHR/ASPC Area Nationals – The Unit – Spanaway, WA

June 16-18 AMHR/ASPC Cavalcade of Ponies – Monroe Fairgrounds - Monroe, WA

June 24-25 AMHR Western Montana Show – Ravalli County Fairgrounds – Hamilton, MT

July 7-9 AMHR Evergreen Miniature Spectacular – The Unit – Spanaway, WA

July 14-15 AMHR Snake River Miniature Horse Show – Blackfoot, ID

July 29-30 AMHR Little Legends MHS – Great Falls, MT

August 17-20 AMHR/AMHA Central Pointe Classic – Jackson Fairgrounds – Central Pt, OR

Aug 24-Sept 4 AMHA/AMHR Oregon State Fair – Salem, OR

I dont know that I would want to fit in another show this season. That is 11 shows I can go to within a days drive from Spokane. For those of us that also show AMHA, throw in 4 or 5 more, I am tired thinking about it!
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I'm no longer a resident of the NW but just wanted to say what a great post, Annette. I so agree with and would like to repeat your statement, "What I find in all clubs is there are a few workers and a lot of those that dont. Maybe we should throw our support into what is already existing and make sure we are supporting the clubs that are established first." Look at that incredible list of shows you jotted down for your region! A few years ago when I was showing here in the SW (Ariz.) I always admired the NW show season. The MHAA of Arizona holds ONE AMHA show per year, the Touch of Class, and we're lucky if our AMHR club holds another. It's all out-of-state after that...
Hi all,

In Oregon, there is the Willamette Valley Pony Club (or mabye just the Willamette Valley Club). They are and AMHR club already formed in Oregon that could use some help to get back up on their feet. Like others said, it might be eaiser to help out a club that is already formed than to create a new one.

I had thought of working with another club, help with the Oregon Gold show, or whatever...I'm open to all ideas. I don't have a need to start something new as much as I want to see something going on in Oregon. The existing AMHR club activity is primarily in Washington, from what I've seen, as are the bulk of the shows.

Montana may be close to eastern Washington, but it's a heck of a long way from western Oregon...even Walla Walla is a long drive! As much as I might like, I can't afford to miss work for an entire day's travel each direction, especially when gelding classes are so often on Friday, which would mean two days out of the work week.

I didn't know that the Willamette Valley Club was still active...I was told that none of the Oregon clubs were active.

Perhaps my perception of the purpose of a club is different than what AMHR clubs are supposed to be, but that would be typical of me. Looking at club websites, they seem to all be alike, whereas I always look to do something different, to offer something that isn't being done. Just the way I always do things. It seems there is so much more a club can do -- organizing shows is just one part.

For one, a friend of mine in Salem works with developmentally challenged children and takes them to work with minis...brushing them, helping to feed, learning to lead them, etc. We both thought that giving them a chance to show what they can do (sort of lke Special Olympics) would be a great experience for all.

Or what about involving underprivileged or at-risk kids in youth showing?

I don't know, perhaps I'm just dreaming...
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Susanne, I think your ideas are marvelous.

Unfortunately in the world we live in you do need to think about things like insurance and such to cover you and the members in case there was an incident.

Shows are not all a club can do, it gives people with similar interests a place to share their passion. Why dont you contact some of the people within a 100 mile radius that have answered you here. See what there thoughts are and if this is doable. Contact the existing clubs and put a small ad in their newsletters. Perhaps at an existing show could be a side ring for some of the events such as you are speaking of. This would also draw outside people to see all avenues of owning a miniature horse.

Most of all we want to make sure that the miniature horse is displayed in a positive and pleasant form so the impression left is good.

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