Ouija boards

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2004
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Any personal experiences with the negative side of using a Ouija board?

I believe that the people move the thingee without knowing (or maybe with knowing as a joke). But I've done some reading and have a little doubt.
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Depends on how much "faith" you put into the thing.

My sister scared both of us really good when we were kids and we've never had another one in the house.
My brother and I tried one out once when we were kids. It was kind of freaky and it spelled out my future husband's initials accurately when I asked who I'd marry. Coincidence?
Burn it.

Anyone who has any sensitivity and is not protected can pull negative energy with the "game".

It's like any specialized tool. If you are not protected or knowledgeable it can hurt you. That's all I'm going to say.
I ditto the toss it comment! Like MA said, if it's in the "wrong" hands it will pull negative energy. IMO, it's not something to play around with!
Something about those things just creeps me out. Its like calling on the devil or something, I don't know but I wouldn't mess with it even in fun. Try Monopoly!
Perhaps it is my Lutheran upbringing, but they COMPLETELY freak me out!! We used them as kids quite a bit for awhile, and I started having lots of bad dreams, and sometimes they didn't seem like dreams. . . anyway, I know it could have been ME subconsciously reacting to my own fears of us using the Ouija boards, or. . . not.

All I know is no WAY would I play with one today.
I believe they are a "toy" that Satan plays with you. I have personally tried to throw one away and it has reappeared in our closet, in our attic, and finally dissapeared when we burned it, I am not kidding at all. I was a young kid and my sisters were playing with it. It was a birthday gift and my Mom FREAKED!! She has had a lot of spiritual warfare in her life and she did the right thing by taking it away. BAD STUFF

To be marketed as a kids game that someone else actually controls is one thing, but whose to say there isn't something else moving it, don't take the chance of inviting those demons into your home.
I'm sorry but they are totally fake. I've played around with them and nothing evened moved. Chucked it away and that was it. I don't believe I'm all that and truelly believe it is all mind games.

Please no flames, it is my opinion...
They just freak me out, no i would never play with them now, when i was younger..like 11 or so, i remember my brother (who was about 29 i think) had one and i remember him playing with it, bought it at walmart if i remember correctly...did not think much of it until i found out what it really was. Nothing i want to play with.
It's a game.

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD Small parts. Not for children under 3 years.

That's all I'm going to say.
It is a silly game with no power other than what you yourself imagine. Of course, that can be very powerful.

Of course, I watched the Exorcist when I was in high school and laughed at how ridiculous it was. I guess it's all a matter of what you believe.
They scare me to death and I wouldn't allow one in my house!! Why take the chance of bringing something evil into your home!!
I have never used one, and I will never use one! I have heard too many evil stories about them to ever have anything to do with one of them. Those stories of evil make be believe in what MA said earlier on this thread.
I used to think they were just a toy. We played with one as children and we all pushed it around...we never took it seriously. We had no bad experiences, just silliness.

But years later, we moved into a seemingly cute little house...that turned out to be haunted. We didn't live there very long...and after that I would never use one or have one in my home. Once someone invites these spirits into their home (and that is what this board does) it is just too hard to get rid of them. We learned that it isn't anything to play with.
It is a game...a stupid game at that.

There is a really cute new pictionary game out called "Pictionary Man" that I got for my nephew...try that, it looks like much more fun!
It depends on what you choose to believe. If you are one to believe in dark sided things you will find them where you want to or where others tell you they exisit. I choose not to believe that and find the game harmless.
I side with those who wouldn't have one in their home. When I was younger (a LOT younger ;) ) my sister and I used to play with one. We would ask silly questions like "how many eggs are in the egg basket?" Which neither of us could know the answer to and it was always right. Then one day we asked who was answering our questions and it spelled a woman's name. Told us all sorts of info like when she was born (early 1800's) etc. and we thought that was fun. Then since my father had passed away when I was only 13 we decided to ask if we could talk to him. We still believed we were just having a bit of fun. Sure enough it started responding like it was our father except it would sometimes answer oddly, like just spelling ha, ha, ha or 'wink' that kind of thing. Pretty silly and harmless... then one afternoon it very quickly spelled "Stop it." "This is not a game." Weird right? We got chills (my sensible part tried to say it was imagination) and put the game up for a bit. My sister's husband, when told of this new response, decided to burn the board and tossed it into his wood heater. Well it didn't quite fit and they pulled it back out and smothered the flame leaving a scorched mark on one corner. It sat unused for some time until my BIL decided one night he was going to ask it a question (don't recall what the question was) All the board would spell were curse words. My sister and I tried it and it was the same for us. They had some pretty weird things go on in that house too. They had glass ornaments burst into fragments, the new sheets on their infants crib torn in long strips, my 4 year old niece had night terrors, claiming a man was calling her to get up from her bed saying "psst, come here" "Look at this" and that she could see glowing red spots like eyes where the voice was located (she became VERY afraid of the dark and that stopped as soon as they moved from that house) They would hear someone playing with toys in the children's' rooms when no one was there and when they checked toys would be scattered across the floor. They owned a cat that was a sweet cuddly pet that the 4 yr old loved on all day, come darkness tho, he had to be outside. I made the mistake on night of leaving him in to cuddle with as I watched TV (babysitting) and about 8:30 when the kids were in bed he suddenly woke up, hopped off the chair where he was sleeping and attacked me. He was biting and clawing me and would NOT stop. I finally wrapped him in a blanket and tossed him and the blanket out side. The next day he was the same as always but I never allowed him in after dark when I was there again. Now many of these things could be co incidence or imagination but....say what you like about it being a 'game' I will not have one in my home!
I will NEVER have one of those in my house and I seriously doubt I would ever fool with one at anyone else's house, either.

When I was a kid, for a SHORT period of time, I had this board like a Ouija board, but it was called a Zeria (sp???) board. I googled but am sure I'm not spelling it right. It was square and blue and it had some words along with the alphabet. My friends and I played with it, maybe for a week and only in the day time but it ended up scaring us all so bad that my mom threw it out. this would have been in the late 70's and I had not ever seen anything about spirit boards on tv to have scared me. It was just scary how it would move on its own (apparently anyway) and a couple of times the pointer flew off the board. I remember we'd set the thing up on this big square electrical box (dark green thing that was like a giant block) in the play ground at the townhouse development we lived in... I bet a horror writer could spin a story from that combining the electrical power with the spirit board -- yikes

Just based on how bad it scared me on it's own w/o anything outside of it telling me I should be scared of it and seeing other things since about Ouija boards, I am WAY too scared of them to fool around with them.
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