Ouija boards

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I feel the same way as most of you do..especially if your are a open and sensitive person. I think some of the people that just think its a fun game , are probably more closed and protected . For those of us that are open we are a magnic for all energy good and bad. I am extreamly open and sensitive , and have had to deal with absorbing others energy all my life. Its not fun , and its a lot of work keeping yourself safe (lot of bad people out there) Just get rid of the thing, and read up on protective white light, and creating the good energy.
I used to use one all the time as a kid, and I've had things we put into the middle of the room move when we asked if someone was there. One time there was a teddy bear that got thrown across the room. I believe in them, but some people just think they are for fun, others do not. JMO.

I think some of the people that just think its a fun game , are probably more closed and protected . For those of us that are open we are a magnic for all energy good and bad. Just get rid of the thing, and read up on protective white light, and creating the good energy.
I think you said it in a nutshell.
Absolutely NOT true.

I, as those of youi who know me will attest, am extremely open, sensitive and am very much a pantheist (Nature is God). I also believe strongly in the power of the human spirit, and that many of the things attributed to the spiritual world are actually a very real, though often misunderstood and unexplored, part of everyone's abilities.

I definitely believe in the spiritual world, but I refuse to look upon it as something fearful.

I do not approach anything from a basis of fear. Too often, the devil is used to excuse the capability humans have for evil -- it is easier to say "the devil made me do it" than to take personal responsibility for our own actions. (I almost sound Republican there!)

I don't want to sound dismissive of anyone's experiences, but in my own experience, there were definitely little human fingers pushing that pointer. And if spirits are conjured up by a couple of goofy kids, why wouldn't it be just as likely that they be friendly spirits?

Healthy skepticism and a sardonic sense of humor (funny that I chose that adjective...personal the devil made me do it...) do not indicate a closed mind.
Healthy skepticism and a sardonic sense of humor (funny that I chose that adjective...personal the devil made me do it...) do not indicate a closed mind.
I have to agree with you and I am mostly inclined to be a skeptic as well, however my experience with 'the board' left me feeling uncomfortable and unhappy about it so it seemed the pertinent choice to avoid it in the future ;) If it is a game then for me it was NOT a fun one.
l'm going with harmless and thats only because l've had mine forever and l mean from back 50 years ago a gift from an aunt now long gone. lt's old ratty and faded but still works like always. Not once did l not help the pointer move towards what answer l wanted but l sure the heck wasn't going to admit to it to anyone...just as l know the other person did the same and swore up and down nope not her doing. My one daughter and l had great fun on boring winter nights using the thing and yep we are both liers when it comes to the Ouija...in fact if no one helps this old board along it just plain and simple doesn't move on it's own..
ln all honesty l can't say it has ever moved itself or done anything suspious when not in use..same as the snakes and ladders board next to it.
...my experience with 'the board' left me feeling uncomfortable and unhappy about it so it seemed the pertinent choice to avoid it in the future ;) If it is a game then for me it was NOT a fun one.
...and here I am in complete agreement with you. I would never want to suggest that anyone do something that makes them uncomfortable. It doesn't matter how or why, it's simply that life is too short to do something that makes you miserable, and that's the only reason you need.
Hummm... veary interesting topic. (not what i expected on a horse fourm)...

Before i say anything about the board, i'm gunna tell you guys something about myself...

I'm a spiritualist, I believe in spirits and the spirit relm. I am not into any occult stuff! lol... I belive there are good and negative spirits and that these boards ARE harmless to SOME people. it really all depends on how you 'protect' yourself'. My mom (also a spiritualist) believes vary strongly that they ARE harmful. Yes, i have to a agree. They are harmful to people who don't protect them self. I personally have no experience with a board, only because i have never been given the chance, and if i did, i would be vary selective on where i am, who i'm with and so on.

IF you are some one who has no experience with the super natural i WOULD NOT USE ONE! you most likely don't have any clue on how to protect yourself. I beg you... please don't if you don't know how to protect yourself, you (and i) have no clue what we are playing with!

So do i believe they work? yes.
susanne said:
And if spirits are conjured up by a couple of goofy kids, why wouldn't it be just as likely that they be friendly spirits?
Somehow, I can't help but think that most (not all, but most) friendly spirits have better things to do and/or better places to go!

I have no experiences with Ouija boards or their like but have to agree that what happens most likely depends on both your own mental state (believer or unbeliever, shielded or open, positive energy or looking for a scary thrill, etc.) and on the circumstances you use it in. Some areas simply have BAD energy!!
Those of us who are sensitive are very uncomfortable in such places and using a board in that circumstance just gives me chills to even think about. "Please, come on in Mr. Wolf. Don't I look tasty??"

I haven't had much personal experience with this manifestation stuff but my parents and others I know have and I believe in the importance of shields and focused positive intentions/white light. Playing with divination tools without proper protection really is asking for trouble...if you don't run into any, you either got lucky or were effectively shielded by your own innocent attitude/positive expectations.

I've never considered myself a high sensitive because I don't get crushed by the press of other peoples' thoughts or emotions, nor do ghosts try to get my attention or animals spontaneously speak in my head, but I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm simply very well shielded. I've always been empathic towards those I care about (picking up their emotions and some thoughts) but in recent years I've realized that's because I automatically "lower my shields" towards those I trust and have begun to learn to do it consciously towards animals I don't know as well. I would be very careful doing so towards strangers or in unknown situations and have little doubt that doing so around a Ouija board without proper precautions would be inviting trouble.


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