Our border collie is missing

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Aww, I hope he comes home soon.

We've had good luck tracking ours when he got away by the rabies tag he had on. He had been taken home to a place near Seattle by some folks visiting the Falls. They called our shelter from there, and we had our dog back within the week...

Do spread the word as fast as you can....my thoughts are with you that he comes home soon.

Sorry I didn't write sooner. We found Rusty in town at 9a.m this morning visiting with a little white dog, looked like a toy poodle mixed with something. He was happy to see us, jumped in the car which he usually doesn't do and we gave him food and water before we left this morning, was a little late but my hubby's brother understood. Got back to feed the horses around 3p.m and let the dogs out, Rusty we tied of course. Then put them back in. Then headed to my parents place. We just got back at 8p.m and let the dogs out again and tied Rusty. Now he is back in side. I am just glad he is home safe and sound.
That's wonderful!! My kids and I were praying for you and looks like it worked!!!
Hooray! I am so glad. Thank you for the great news.

I bet he's really glad to be home.

so glad he's home safe.. all i can say (and i'm sure i might get some flack from some people) is SHOCK COLLAR. I'd never raise another pup without one. Usually only need to use it once or twice. BC's are such intelligent animals i bet it would make a huge differnce and when you say "come" you mean it with that!!
Well Rusty is doing really well. He wanted his cuddles last night and this morning he followed me downstairs amd wanted some more cuddles. He is now gone back upstairs to his bed.
So glad your pup made it home safely. Please continue working on that precious recall command and always supervise him outdoors, tied or not.
Thank heavens!! Glad to hear he is ok- that is always so upsetting. Was the little poodle a GIRL by chance?? Male dogs can tell females in season from a looooong distance. Sounds like Rusty needs a nice fenced run?

Sure glad he is ok!!!

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