Our horses are finally back home!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
Reaction score
Orangefield, Texas
Thanks again to everybody that helped us out after the hurricane... I haven't been on much lately, because we have been working out at our land so that we could get the horses home. Well, we brought them home today. And as an added bonus, I felt Mollie's baby kick and jump around for the first time. Today has been such a wonderful day... I just wanted to update everybody, and say thanks again to everyone...

I am glad you finally got them home. It has been since September, and I know you were going nuts. We will forever be cleaning up, HUH??? Tell Mollie Souix she better have a girl, and that Silverngold wants to be her new husband< LOL
We are happy... We're keeping a close eye on Mollie, don't want her to be too stressed... but everything seems fine... the baby seems happy to be here... it's jumping around in there... I just feel sorry for her, she's getting big! I didn't mention anything to her about SilverNGold, though... the look she gave me today, I don't think she would be too happy right now...lol... 'course I remember that feeling toward the end of my pregnancy...lol

AAAWWW give Mollie Sioux a big hug and a kiss from me. We miss her around here she was such a clown.

I am so glad they are home and all is going well what a relief for you
How wonderful the horses are home and you'll be able to foal them out.
I am so glad you got them home, I can only imagine how hard it was on you to not have them there for so long. I hope Mollie gives you a beautiful foal and everything goes well this year - I'm of the "NO MORE HURRICANES" camp myself :bgrin , I feel your frustration there!

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