We are not sure if she has blue eyes or not. They are very dark so hard to tell. I don't think she would as neither parent does. We were also very worried for Momma mare because when i checked her this afternoon she had what looked like dried old blood running down the back of her (It was brown in color, turns out she was so loose she was peeing down herself and was dirty) So we were frantic because she was dripping milk and we thought she would foal any minute, and that something was terribly wrong with the baby (breech, dead, red bag, etc). We called every vet in the area we could to try and get someone to come out and look at her because we did not feel comfortable moving her and stressing her out. One clinic had no emergency vets at this time due to lack of vets, one lady couldn't come because she had to take her son to a birthday party. The last guy told us she was fine and not in labor and that we were overreacting, but if we were really worried to give her an 8cc shot of banamine
Needless to say we won't be using him anymore.
We finally got ahold of a a nice vet we have never used, Dr. Wallace, who was the first to believe us that something wasn't right. He came out and looked at her, felt inside and said baby is alive and in position, that mom is just not ready. She was only 4 fingers dialated. As soon as he left we went to jump on the internet to see just how dialated they have to be to foal, and she was down and pushing and her water broke. This baby just needed a massage lol. The only real problem we had is we had to tear open the sack (thank god we were there, we were actually on our way out to feed since there was no way she was ready
darn mares lol) and that momma mare is really sore. So we gave her some banamine once she passed the placenta.
2 mares down with 2 healthy fillies, and 2 more mares to go. One due this month, and another in april.

Ain't marestare great