Owning just one mini.....

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What do you think about owning just one mini by itself ? I know they are herd animals and like/need a companion but I want to ask how others feel about it. If you own one by itself how is it working out ? The reason I am asking is I am thinking about.
We've had our guy Saber 20 months now and he does well as our only horse.

However, he isn't alone as he does groom & play with our Great Danes. The dogs are his herd mates.

We also take Saber on outings frequently and many of these locations that have other horses for him to see and talk to.
It is always best for them to have a herd mate - even one friend that is there with him (or her!!) when it's dark, when they need a good scratch out in the pasture, or comfort during a storm.

I always try to keep at least 2 horses together. IMO it's just best for them mentally.
What do you think about owning just one mini by itself ? I know they are herd animals and like/need a companion but I want to ask how others feel about it. If you own one by itself how is it working out ? The reason I am asking is I am thinking about.

They are like pototoe chips, cannot just have one...

Good Luck, let us know when you get your mini?
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I feel horses really, really need company. In the short term, a goat may help, but I think only temporarily. I don't think horses can be truly at their happiest if they do not have at least one other horse as a companion.
I personally feel that MOST horses are happier with another horse. Some are fine with other animals as companions, and then there are those VERY few that actually LIKE being alone, as long as they are getting individual attention from their "humans".

We have ONE horse -- a mini gelding -- that is the latter - a definite "loner". We have been his humans for 17 years....He is 24 now.
Rider won't win any beauty prize, but, he is the wisest, smartest, and most unique equine I've ever known.


This is Rider last May teaching Brianna how to cart........... He taught Larry 17 years ago.
MA !! Ahhh.... I would love to find a horse like your guy !!
HAHA owning just one mini. Yeah right! That won't last long.

Anyway, there is a mini kept at the same place as my big horse, and he has 2 baby goats for his companions. They think he's their daddy, follow him everywhere, sleep on top of him, they're really sweet. I think you can own just one (if you have a lot of will power towards sale boards LOL!!!) as long as you're in an area where the horse can at least see others of his kind. In a horsey neighborhood/near other barns, etc.
I had Bailey as an only horse for around 12 months before Willow came into our lives.

I thought he seemed ok as an only horse as he had other BIG horse company at the back fence. I would watch him stand by the fence waiting for the BIG horses to come and visit him and then he would get terribly upset when they would walk away to graze.

On weekends my neighbour would bring her pony over for play days with Bailey and he loved it. But - when my neighbour would take her pony back home, he would cry out for her and get terribly upset.

It broke my heart.

It also upset my hubby enough for him to turn around and buy me a 2nd mini, Bailey's 1/2 sister Willow.

it warms my heart watching the 2 of them together. Bailey is a much happier horse having company around. Lets just say he is a very social horse.

Having a single horse can work, but they do need tons of extra attention and love. Rachel (Sixstardanes) does very well with Saber as an only horse, but he does get to go on a ton of adventures and has the dogs as company. And, like others have said, you won't have just one mini for long!
My husband and I have a business doing soil tests. (Perc tests). Since we are in a rural area we are often at farms, and at least twice every summer I run across a horse or pony or miniature that is in a small lot all by itself, with no other equines around. I always go up to them and scratch them. Some are afraid, but most like the contact. In each case, I always tell my husband we should ask the people if they want to sell that "loner" so we can bring it home where it can have company. He always says, "NO!" LOL!

It really bothers me seeing a horse of any type all alone. I don't think it's good for them mentally or physically. When horses stand in a pasture, watch them. They will always stand head-to-tail. That's because each one wants his back covered. I don't notice my minis doing this so much as my big horses, because the minis are non-stop grazers and my big horses at least know when their bellies are full and they should stop!

An equine, an animal that lives in and depends on the herd for survival, to be alone, seems to me that it's in a constant state of loneliness and there's no one there to keep it interested or active. If you can't get another miniature, would a goat be feasible? At least having some type of companion, especially at night, would be much better.
Actually I have owned minis for years, I don't feel like my property can handle 2 or more minis. I have made it work before but the land gets beat up so to speak. I have about 1/2 acre. If I could find 2 really tiny horses it might work. I am home all day most days, and the horse area is right out in back so I go outside many times a day. I understand they like company, wishful thinking about having just one. I am going to look though and see if I can find one that has been alone before and is used to it. I do like hearing from everyone though !
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I think it all depends on the individual horse and how much time you will spend with them. If they are going to just be lawn ornaments then I would say you should have two, if you plan on working with them a lot then one is fine. Daisy was alone for 2 years without another horse and was fine. She loved the extra attention! Some horses cant handle being alone, ours just doesnt happen to be one of them.
If you are only going to have one it is best to get a young one that hasn't yet learned they are part of a herd. Then you need to become it's herd and be the one to scratch it in all the parts he/she can't reach! You will need to spend a good amount of time with him/her. If you buy a colt then you should geld it ASAP so that it doesn't get hormonal urges that will make him and you crazy! With only one it is best to give it plenty to do which will give you plenty to do!
Be sure to give it plenty of turnout time, don't expect it to stand alone in a stall for any length of time. Horses can be happy on their own as long as you give them plenty of attention - I have had several single full size horses. I personally won't use a goat for company because, although they are adorable to look at, they can be a real pain in the butt getting into everything and won't always stay in a paddock with the horse (they get out of ANYWHERE!!!) which will make the horse crazy if it has become attached.

Miniv: Rider looks to be a champion at heart!!!
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I have my mare because she was beating up all the others in the herd where she was. She really shines as a loner. She adores having the dogs out and grooms them. She "helps" me with projects when she can. That means that a half hour job will take at least an hour as she tends to run off with the tools, knocks over ladders, wheelbarrows, etc. In the herd she was just a nasty, grumpy old lady. Here she is one of my kids. I definitely have a special bond with her, and she with me.
i have hade sparkley for a year and she was 8 when i got her is my onley mini. she hangs out with my weimaraners and she is in the house as much as the dogs are. she will put her head thrue the dog door and ask to come in.
I feel that horses need a buddy horse as a companion. There may be a few exceptions. But it must be like being in solitary confinement.

Just think.. even if you spend 8 solid hours a day with your mini( which usually doesn't happen) That leaves 16 hours that he is alone..
I acquired my gelding a couple years ago and he had been kept in a seperate pen by his previous owners due to "unruly" disposition
(he tended to beat up on everyone else). We brought him home and put him out with other another mini that had been abused before the current owner bought her. Long story short - they got along sort of, one on each side of the same pen. A year ago I moved him to a different barn and he was he only mini there, lots of big horses but no one his size. Everyone at the new barn laughed at us - couldn't see why you would have a mini. There are now 7 mini's at the new barn
(proving once again you cann't have just one) and he is truly happy for the first time. He plays with the others and when they take their afternoon siesta they all lay in the sun and sleep together, almost touching. So even though they can get along okay by themselves, I think it is better to have more than one
Yes you can have just one mini but your horse will be more content if it had a buddy (my opinion). I look at it from a human perspective. People do not like being alone and I don't think horses do either.

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