Pacific Pintos Miniature Horses 2013 Foaling Year

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WOW!!!! That's 4 babies in the Nutty Nursery tonight!! A new record!!

Beautiful colt -- can't wait for pictures!!
Charms newborn colt. I am still working on a name for this one. Hoping one comes to mind now that I have had some sleep.

I think he is a splash white grulla pinto. We will know more when we test him. He is 19 inches tall and very refined.

Rt Side.jpg

Left Side.jpg
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Another STUNNING baby Joanne! You've had some exceptional babies this year, for sure!!
Trying to get caught up on my website and photos while awaiting Tinka's foal.

So here are two videos of the same birth. One done by one of the experts at Mare Stare "Cherie", and the other (with sound) done by my husband on his iPhone. As a background, Diva was breach up until a week before foaling when she turned. The head was there at birthing, but I had to go in and get the two feet, which you can see me doing on the silent film, the sound one my husband started a bit later when I had the feet and was starting to gently pull. This was a maiden mare and I did not want her to tear, and she was not stretched as much as I would have liked. You will see on Cherie's video that I was letting the mare's contractions push the foal out as much as possible, and was just guiding the foal, once the head was out. I was behind the mare when the water broke and showed no reaction. That made me laugh when I saw the video as I was just soaked, but so focused on the birth that I did not react.

Silent film:

Feel free to post in the video section if you think it has any value.
Great Joanne, thanks for posting them. I loved hubby's version especially his drum roll
great job done by all.
We are watching Tinka this morning. She is having contractions and unusually quiet. Not eating breakfast.
OMG Joanne, your cam is so clear that I can see baby kicking
that is amazing
Just catching up on the written threads. She's standing quietly, and until I read this, I had no idea she was ready to go!!! Come on little lady -- show us that little one!
I know how busy you've been Joanne = too busy to read here, I'm sure, but some of our moms here have been going into the 350's !! A really odd year for sure! But we're watching!!
Oh good luck Joanne and praying for a smooth safe foaling!

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