Paint Filly almost broke her leg today!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Green Springs Ohio
Okay, i am so really shaken up right now so please excuse me if some words are not correctly spelled.

When i got home i went down to the barn to clean stalls i normally do when i get home from school. I decided to start with the new paint filly, so i cleaned out her stall and then took her outside into the middle of the barn to walk her around some and do some voice commands and try this little tip Marty gave me a couple days ago to get her use to being touched and worked with her feet. Well I was getting ready to take her outside to tie her up to work with her and dad yelled for me and told me to run upstairs and turn off the light. Well dad have this hay feeding thing on the wall (it has wood pannels acros it about 5 inches apart so the cows can get hay out of it) Well i tied her up to that because i was just going up in the barn loft to flick a light switch. Well i was away from her for about 20 seconds and then i heard some noise. I hurried down the loft stares and there was Lexus (filly) jumping around paniced to death with her foot cought in the hay feeder, she ripped it off the wall and it was falling apart. I tried to get to her but she spun around and the feeder hit me and nocked me over and lucky i hit the wall and didnt fall, well i tried to get to her halter to take her off and coulnt because she was just moving to much and fast. After about 10 seconds of me trying to get to her she just fell over (w/ foot in the hay feeder). I was like 'she broke her leg ..she broke her leg, no way could she not have'. You wouldnt beleive it unless you seen what happened. Well i couldnt unclip the lead from her b/c it was pulled to tight so i had to take the halter off. I unclipped the halter and she got up and ran to the other side of the barn. First thing i did was look at her legs, Lucky and SOMEHOW they were not broken from what i could see. She was Shaking and her eyes were just filled with fear. She let me catch her and she cuddled up agianst me like she was trying to just crawl up inside me and go to sleep. Well i haltered her and tried to get her to walk some out of the dark corner so i could see how bad the scrapes were. Well she walked fine, just shaking. She has nothing horriable, but with a foal everything is major. She has mostly just hair missing and 1 small (not deep) gash on her upper thigh. All damage is inside the leg, on both legs. She is scraped up pretty badly on the inner sides of her legs and has a small cut on her front hoof. She has a couple small chips in her back right hoof. I think we came out of this lucky somehow.

I cannot explaine how fast it happened and i will NEVER forgive myself for letting that happen, it was for only about 30 seconds so i thought she would be fine. I didnt want to tie her next to the big horse stalls bc they would just tear her up.

Dad came after i yelled for him. We got her back inside her stall after dad checked her out, which wasnt easy because the hay feeder was tore to peices infront of her stall door and she seen it and wouldnt go near the door untill dad moved it all. She is walking good, just sore. She holds each leg up for about 2 minutes and then switches. Dad called the vet and he said he cant make it out tonight because he is down by ashland dehorning cows on some cattle farm and he will try to make it out tommarow to take a look at her. He told us to go to TSC tommarow and get some leg wraps and anti bacterial spray or something like that and wrap the wounds.

It all just happened so fast, she just thrashed around it and it just looked like them scenes you see on tv where the boy gets bitten by the Shark and the shark starts shaking the boy violenty. Im so shaken still ....i cant beleive this. Dad told me to go on the web and look for hair growth lotion b/c she will be needing that eventually.

I just went to check on her and she was laying down licking her wounds, which isnt good. We have no wraps here or they would be on her. So were going to TSC first thing in the morning. I'm planning on spending all day with her tommarow in her stall with her head in me lap and giving kisses all day, Playing moma. When i tried to leave the stall or started out the stall door she would jump over by the door and just look at me all sad so i was there for a while, i couldnt go. She let me go though and i came in.

Please pray for her ....we are both shaken up very badly.


God Bless
You need to do (at least) two things in future.

1) always ALWAYS carry a folding pocket knife for cutting ropes and harness and halters etc. They are a LIFESAVING tool.

2) Tie this filly with a loop of bailing twine. IE tie a loop of bailing twine to what you want to tie her to, then tie the lead to the loop of bailing twine. If she gets into a mess again, the twine will break, or at least be easier to cut.

NOW, I'll let some more experienced people talk to you about what else you need to do in the future, and I'm sure someone will have some ideas to help you teach this filly to tie properly.
Thats the thing though, she ties wonderful. She is tied when im working with her and knows how to give and release to pressure. I think Lorado just stuch his head out over his stall and tried to nip her butt and it scared her and she got jumpy and pulled the hay feeder off the wall, which amazes me because i've tried to take that thing down about 3 times but it has 500 nails in it and its nearly impossible (unless your lexus).

Leeana ....i know allot of people carry the pocket knifes for them same reasons. I just never did get into a situation where i needed one up untill today because we have BreakAway halters on most our horses when were working with them. Im really going to look into getting one now though after this!
The thing is, especially where she is a baby, you have to anticipate the spooks. Just because she ties wonderfully 99.9% of the time doesn't mean you won't run into trouble. I'd still tie her with the twine and carry a pocket knife if I were you. Babies can hurt their necks so easily if they tug real hard on a rope. She could really hurt her back or neck doing that, not to mention her legs like she did tonight.
I have a huge pag of baling twine so i might tie her with that untill she gets a little older, Im not planning on doing that for a while though because im probaly just going to walk her and stay with her, no serious working or training for about a week untill she is better.

That is a pretty good idea! thanks

Well my first bit of advice is DONT WRAP HER LEGS with anything.... if you are not very experienced with wrapping you can seriously injur a horse this way.

I must admit I find it odd she is "licking her wounds"

Personally I would get yourself a professional trainer to help with this filly
Oh brother, so sorry you and the filly had this accident. Accidents happen to everyone so now you know. I've had a few freak in my time and it's always so nerve racking so I understand how upset you are. I never leave a horse tied unattended. I know you won't do that again.

Don't know nothing about the wounds and not giving no vet adivce here but I was wondering if you ran a cold hose on them. That would probably be a good thing. I certainly would not be wrapping anything like Lisa said. One thing about wrapping is that if you don't know how to wrap perfectly, just don't do it. You can do more harm than good and also if the legs swell up, you'll be cutting off circulation. So just don't wrap ok? I'd just hose it and apply some good topical and in the morning be sure she gets out to walk around. I'd really keep an eye on her too because you don't want her acting shocky or going into shock over this. Take her vitals and if you think she is shaking, put a blanket on her and give her some hay and watch her very closely.

I also agree with Lisa that I do think it's high time that you invest in some serious ground lessons with a really repuatable trainer at this point. You'd be surprised on just how many tips you can get in one day that would make your life with horses so much easier. I always say that learing under a trainer opens up a whole new world of fun and excitement for you. Something for you to ponder.
She is not bad at all. She is very calm and wonderful, you could not tell she is 5 month old at all. She is just a bit spooky, like a normal 5 month old horse. I plan on training her myself, with some advice from time to time. Mostly because im going to hopefully take some John Lyons classes and major in Foal Starting.

Our vet told us that if she is really licking then we could spray this stuff on it and then wrap it to keep it from getting licked off by Lexus.

Dad has expirence in wrapping legs and whatall. He is more expirenced then anyone i know so im leaving that to him.

**** When can i put some of the hair growth lotion on it? Do i have to wait a couple days untill they heal a little more or am i supose to do it asap?

I have sworn off trainers after this guy from Teledo Spent 2 weeks with Sammy and did nothing but spook him to death, screw up what i already tought him so no trainers other then me and the family. Also if this is something i plan to major in i have to do this myself ....i shouldnt let this get me down. Stuff happens ....this time though it wasnt horriable and i lucked out. just have to understand the no trainer thing here.


thanks lisa ..the vet thought it was odd to that she was licking them. Only on her back lower legs though.
Well you sound intent to do it on your own just be careful. I am not saying it cant or doesnt happen but I can say that I honestly have NEVER in all my years seen a horse lick its wounds like a dog would. Again not saying you arent right just saying I have never seen it... very interesting
Dad has expirence in wrapping legs and whatall. He is more expirenced then anyone i know so im leaving that to him.

Bad decision to wrap the legs.

**** When can i put some of the hair growth lotion on it? Do i have to wait a couple days untill they heal a little more or am i supose to do it asap?

That is the last thing I would be worried about. I'd be a whole lot more concerned with infection and getting some good topical on it. Hope she is up to date on tetnus. The poor thing is only a baby. I didn't realize that either. I hope you are watching her and taking her vitals.

.you just have to understand the no trainer thing here.

There are certainly many self-proclaimed trainers out there for sure that are very bad news. Don't know where you dug that one up but do try a reputable training stable, a real one.
I don't want to sound mean...

But why do you buy so many horses when you have so much trouble with them? It seems like you have a lot to handle and you and your horses can get hurt like you experienced today.

I am sorry this happened to you.
I am so incredibly over hearing you wail and tick and moan about this horse this, and then this other horse this, holy cow, what do I do. And then shoving it all back in the faces of those who are WAY more knowlagable then yourself, and attempting to help you despite your snotty know it all attitude. Quite frankly, if your father is so incredibly compentent, then why are you on here second guessing him every other day? And I am not a vet, but if it were My horse, I would have called My vet as soon as it happned, cold hosed those wounds, given her some banamine, and done a bunch of praying. "When can I put on the hair grow cream." I want to puke, that's pathatic, Who Cares about Hair Loss? What about her stifles, her hocks, her tendons, her hips?? What about muscle tearing in her belly and her intestinal track being throughly screwed up? What about her neck and back alignment>? You need to face the facts kiddo, you need Real help, or get out of this young/scared stock.

There are more trainers out there then fleas on a dog, many of them 4 week trained Paralli/Natural Horsemanship crackpots, (ha, as if the act of even sitting on a horse was natural
) but for every one of those, there are hundreds of wonderful, kind, and knowing trainers who Auctually know thier stuff.

Do yourself a favor, Stop buying these young, screwed up, auction block collection of horses that you seem to get your hands on somehow, and get a clunky old QH that will hopefully Not throw you such awful screwball poor managment problems.

I am almost sorry to be this harsh, but when I think of all the yucky things I have heard you have problems with, I keep on waiting to hear you say one died, and it's just plain Not fair to these animals, and then I am Not sorry.
Though I am sure you will throw a hissy fit about these comments, promptly defend yourself of all wrong doing or lack of knowlage, and flounce about pouting.

I simply hope that one iota of this gets though your thick head and you find a Real barn, and if you can't afford lessons, well sell off all the da*n horses and get some. Or if you really like this filly, board her somewhere and give her the training chance she deserves, with a Real trainer.

A hay rack for chriss sake.
Never tie to anything not firmly in the ground, and even then, don't leave a horse unattended. I bet you already learned that one though, huh?

To the tolerant matrons who are more patient then I, (Marty & Lisa among others) please forgive my outburst, I admire you and others who have been so patient and helpful despite the ovbious talking-to-a-wall issues involved.

Okay flounce and pout away.
Relic said:
Cheers to the above.


I second that.

I don't think I have much place saying so as I have only been a lurker for about 8 months and I only have three horses myself.

But I definately agree with spotted pony 100%. I have only been a lurker for 8 months and have heard so much of the frightening things that have happened to you and your horses. I think you have gone through at least ten horses since I have been lurking around. I think it is time you settled down and bought an older reliable horse that you can have fun and learn on without getting hurt.

I am 18 years old and I NEVER even thought about working with a young horse until I had taken six years of professional lessons (they were inexpensive too!)....think on that SIX YEARS, before I even THOUGHT of working with a young horse!

This is getting too dangerous for both you and the horses. Honestly save the crazy young sale horses for when you are a little older, buy a ten year old gelding and go out and have some fun. Thats what riding as a kid is all about. Heck I'm 18 and I ride a 21 year old horse and she has more than enough spit and vinegar for me. And guess what, I have a great deal of fun on her and I don't want to break my own young horse, they are too unpredictable and I like living thank you very much.

I guess what I am trying to say is...leave the psychologically messed up sale horses to someone who has the experience to help them. Don't get another one of those horses until you are absolutely sure you can handle anything they throw at you....and maybe even wait a year or two longer after that. If you don't I'm afraid someone will get hurt.
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We better all hope and pray that Spotted Pony Girl doesn't find the post about your sister. After reading that one, I must admit I'm pretty much fed up with the goings on at your place and all the horse trading going on there too. Sorry Leanna. I do hope that filly is going to be ok without the vet.
Guys: In all fairness to Leanna, I think her father is a horse trader and she can't help what he drags home from those auctions. She's only a kid please remember that and somethings are just out of her hands. How can she learn like that and then tell her father that what he does is wrong? She does try to do things right, she really does, and she does the best she can under these kind of circumstances. You learn what you live and she is having to do things the way her daddy is making her. I know you are all upset and I am too but getting on her case about things that are out of this kid's hands isn't helping anything.

I do find it incredible though that there hasn't been an investigation by now at their place.
I realize you learn what you live, but she still has a choice of what horses she chooses to work with. I had plenty of opportunity to work with similar horses at my stable, but left them for the more experienced.

At the very least she could ask for a relaible horse that she could keep as a forever horse.

I realize now I was a bit unfair in my first judgement and I apologize to Leanna for that, I realize she is only trying to do what is right.
Well im for one am suprised the vet would say to rap it up. We have never been told that. We had a mare come up last winter with her chest tore open. The vet came out and cut the chunk of skin of and that was it. We kept cut and heal on it.

Most wounds its best to let air get to it. It will heal faster.

And besides if its just hair missing then you dont need to rap it. My gelding fell out of a trailer going down the free way. HE was missing chunks of skin and hair and lots of road rash. THe vet said to leave it open, keep it clean and that was it. I kept cut and heal on them but that was it. He healed just fine with only a small scar on one knee that took a good beating.
This "kid" is seventeen, as she keeps reminding people when they assume she is eleven, as she sounds eleven. Roughly the same age as Ferrah, Feather, older than Gage etc. etc. Not much younger than Voodoo!!! Sure at her age I made mistakes- what I did not do was panic, what I could not do was come on here and whine about them as the Internet did not exist so, like Marty, I got on with it.

I too am sick to the back teeth with all these ruined horses (don't worry, she'll have an answer for that one!!)

What about the Arab colt that was going to be kept for life??

I dealt in ponies at this age, I trained them, without any previous experience and no horsey Dad to help or otherwise and no-one to provide board and keep for them but me. They had to make a profit, too, or I was broke!! So, I have been there and actually done it. It can be done, without ruining any horses or hurting any children.

As for the thing with the sister, well, I'm not even going to start.

I do know if my Father had been involved none of this would have been allowed to happen!!!

Right, that's it, I'm done with this.
im pretty upset also and i have been biting my tongue. Marty you know i have offerred at least 3 times to come visit her and help her with her horses (minis) and everytime she refuses. I also offerred to take that mini stallion that she could not handle and i believe was sold back to the auction
I AM NOT AN EXPERT but i do know how to handle minis properly etc. If someone offerred to come to my farm and help me i would absolutely take them up on it because i always learn something new.

I honestly have to wonder how much is true and how much is made up. So many of these posts just dont add up.

Anyway my offer still stands or she is welcome to come to my farm anytime and see how we do things here.

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