PALS Miniatures 2013 Foals Due***Perfect Foaled A Filly 4/25***Chrissy Foaled 4/26***Updated Picture

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Okay, after helping hubby get our yard mowed, I went out to get pictures of Katiebug. She wasn't too cooperative. She thought I had treats and kept following me. LOL So I wasn't able to get a picture showing her rear. But here are photos of her udder, vulva, and side........kind of. LOL She is at 327 days today, and her mama always foaled close to 330. And I might add that I still can't get anything out of her teats.

She's looking good, and HERE'S TO SPOTS coming !!!!!
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Katiebug update............I can finally get some liquid out of Katiebug's udder. I got enough to test with the Foal Time Strips. It's testing between 6.8 and 6.4. I also tested it for colostrum on my Refractometer. It tested 'Very Good.' So I'm happy with that since she is a maiden. Here are pictures I took this evening. They were taken in her stall, and they are a little blurry, but maybe you can see a difference from the last pictures. Her teats are pointed more 'downward' than what really shows in the picture. She's more puffy behind, but still not a 'dark pink' yet. We're expecting thunder storms this evening, and it's just started to rain. So maybe she'll get with it! LOL

LOOK AT THOSE SPOTS!!!!!! Come on pretty girl -- Auntie Diane is anxiously awaiting this little one!!
WOW!! She sure looks ready to go - hoping for an announcement any time now!

Prayers for a safe easy foaling.
I bet you are just on pins and needles! Here is hoping she foals soon she is going to make one beautiful baby
yipeeee, sending prayers for a safe and easy foaling
come on spotty bum
No foal announcement yet! LOL Heading out to check for any changes, and I'll be reporting back. I have been fortunate that Katiebug isn't one to lay out flat, setting off the pager. But last night she was setting it off a lot!! So for her, that's a change. LOL
Well, ladies..............Miss 'spotty bum' hasn't changed any from last night. LOL I'll keep checking the color inside her vulva. That might be my only clue. She's outside for the day so she can roll if she wants. She spends most of her time rubbing her butt and grooming with her 'friend' that is with her during the daytime................oh and eating alfalfa! LOL
As long as she's cooking with SPOTS -- we can forgive her a lot -- but tell her we're watching to see if there are enough SPOTS to make this worth it -- and we won't forget for next year!
I, personally, have never had a mini mare go over 332 days............which is where Katiebug is at now. I know that lots of others have had mares go way over that! But I'm not used to having to wait this long. LOL And, yes, Diane, she had better be putting those final spots on this baby! LOL
This year the girls are being really bad about respecting due dates, lets hope it's the spots holding her up and not a willy. ROFL
Goodness Renee! SHHHHhhhhhhhh. SPOTS ONLY -- no willy!!!

But honestly Renee -- look how many mares have gone over by many, many weeks -- and many of the late babies this year have been fillies! But HERE, it just better be more and more beautiful SPOTS!
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Well, ladies, I'm still waiting on Katiebug to foal! LOL Early last night she was pawing in her stall, and I thought that she just might be getting ready to foal. But then she settled down and only set the pager off a couple of times. I woke up and looked at the TV about 6:00 AM, and she was out flat!! My pager wasn't going off!! What?!! I checked to make sure that I had turned it back 'on,' and I had. So I replaced the battery in the transmitter. Whew!

I would be okay with a 'willy' if it happened to also be a snowcap or fewspot. LOL Dreaming here!

Here are pictures from this morning. She looks ready on the outside, but still not dark pink inside......and she still has a little tail resistance.


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