Peanut Blessed me with a

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So, are we going to have a foal tonight??
Let's not be fussy, Anna... LOL

This afternoon would be just fine.....

Oh wait a minute, is it getting to be night time at your house?

If it is, then tonight would be good, too.

To bad we didn't get a video of Linda's mare foaling, we could

run it on a continous loop for Peanut to watch - just as a

reminder of what she is supposed to be doing.
Thanks everyone. Ive been spending most of the day in the other barn. Pretty big rain storms earlier and still out there...I think its remnants of a tropical storm that was brewing but sort of fizzled out. just heavy rain no thunder. I hope it will stop so PN can get out before tonight. Nancy, I told Skiff you all have been asking about him...he's better he actually was up earlier and went out and fed for my. He's the type that hates not being able to get out and do things...frustating to him.Poops have been real runny so Im not holding my breath but it may be tonight or tomorrow. We open up 2 of our snack bars in the next couple months and it takes time to go paint,move in equipment, we usually do some sort of improvements every this foaling better come to an end quick b/c I really need to start thinking about next seasons events. Well the rain has started to stop so I think i'll let our little love child out for a bit so she can roll in the mud
:arg! Although I know doing it makes her feel
Ha Ha looking forward to seeing a Muddy Peanut for a change as she always looks like she has come from the Salon

OMG I really hope she foals.

I had another busy day so dont get to post too often but I do have the ladies up
Enjoy some good rolls Peanut
I see she would rather be hanging out in her stall as she is right now.

My poor husband has been working all day on the fence. He had to build a big drive in gate and it took longer then he thought it would. After the fence is finished we will be building our mini's shelter/stalls for him to finally come home next month. We go an visit him again tomorrow morning.. then back home to get back to work.

So glad Linda's mare had her baby, wish we could have seen it!
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Message to Peanut" The Full Moon will be running from the 12th to the 14th this month, but we don't want to wait that long so just disregard.
Hi everyone, i am sorry I have been away but I have had a very busy afternoon/ evening. I will tell you all about it tomorrow. I am off to bed now. Please don' write a novel whilst I am sleeping unless it is to chat about PN's new filly. Lol

Night night
G'night Renee...I hope your busy day consisted of good things happening
and all is well.

Peanut i really thought would look forward to some good ol'rolls but she really didnt want to be out much. I did throw her halter on and let her drag me where ever she wanted to go in the yard...she was so funny...she wanted to check out all her old stomping grounds...dragging me around stopping whenever she found grass that suited her!! I tested her again today and its as light on the chart as the chart can go...almost yellow. The milk itself....I dont get enough to even tell if its white or yellow. She is so itchy back/under there....she gets almost zen like and finds little weeds to help w/the itchies. Her little nipples have always been about 1 inch apart and have been pointing straight down but now they are almost 3 inches apart and REALLY hanging straight down...if she were human I would suggest a little lift job. She got her regular food and added a couple soaked alfalfa cubes and a handful of BP, nice and mushy for dinner as a treat and SB thought it was a great idea and asked to have it every night
I havent dared leave the house to go to far so I guess I will have to bed her down w/the regular hay if she decides to go tonight.

Karina, how you do everything you do is beyond if your not watching PN thats ok I know your here in spirit!!

I wonder if Linda has left the barn yet today...she was probablly moving her bed in there all afternoon...I know i would be!!

I feel for your husband Megan....things around here always take longer than husband is so picky it took forever for him to build just PN little pasture...every fence post had to be exact/straight...he was checking w/a level every 2 ft! Once your projects are done there is always something else your going to least thats what happens w/me.

Well Diane, I hope all is well w/your son and he's all moved in. did you get stuck w/any of the storms while moving him? If you decide to curl up early i will understand and I have your # to get you out of bed if PN does decide to ..............Im not saying the F WORD!!!
Did you show Peanut the test strip and explain that it means she is ready LOL

I am off to my bed now but I have seen yawning, tail swishing, belly kicking and side nipping.

I wont say the F word either but we as always live in hope

Night Night.

Will have the phone under my pillow (I just cant miss the action now)
Been away all most of the day couldn't wait to log on and see the F***s, but alas there are none. But I did see the pictures, stunning! Heidi you do look like Christie Brinkley!
Really nice photos. Karen
Thank you Breezy..I know the resemblance often gets me in trouble out in public....I know Nancy right now is saying to herself "REALLY"

Love you Nancy

diane, I knew that would way over did it...thoughtful of your son to feed though.

Thanks you everyone for not saying the F WORD...cause I really think by not saying the F Word she may start doing the F thing tonight!

Im starting to bite at my sides,yawn and i think I've swished my own tail a couple times tonight so perhaps this will be the night for an F !!

I just saw her do a really runny poop right down the wall :arg! Well Im here for the night so I'll be back shortly

Lots of butt blasting going on now
Has anyone else here just fallen head over heels in love with Peanut besides me?

Certainly not!

I always thought she looked nice but those photos show just how beautiful she is! I admit, I've avoided having greys in my breeding herd but I might have to reconsider now.
Has anyone else here just fallen head over heels in love with Peanut besides me?
Well, with 2,585 replies and 27,573 view to date, I'd have to say yes!!!

Liz N.
I've been thinking she was waiting to have the F word on my 24th wedding anniversary on Aug 7th to let me know she likes that stall painting I did.


She can let 'er rip in a few hours!
Hi Liz

thank you for the nice compliments. britt , you mentioned graysand I've always sort of felt the same way..I like the real dark steel grays but not really Peanuts gray. When I saw her listed for sale and she wasnt too far away I just figured I'd go see ...not really thinking i would bring 2 home that day. She was by no means a rescue but I just felt bad b/c she had no shelter, not much of a yard, wasnt a people horse at all..she and Popcorn were velcrowed together. Anyway I brought them both just b/c I wanted to ..never expecting to breed her but she blossomed here and I think being closer to the house and the extra attention she gets is making her even better.

If i was to go looking for a horse to breed Peanuts color would surely not be what I'd be looking at.

This brings me to Diane.....this is from another thread and the few spot/snowflake/varnish questions. Im learning but still find it very confusing at times...years ago I always thought if I bred a leopard and another leopard it would guarantee a horse that would be extreme leopard...well I know thats not the case but. You've seen Nick, what would I be looking to breed him too if i were wanting appy coloring...course I would love the leopard spots but just some spots would make me appy!

Wish PN would show a little more enthusiasm this evening!!
I know the resemblance often gets me in trouble out in public....I know Nancy right now is saying to herself "REALLY"

Love you Nancy
YOU, Heidi BUT I know you were trying to catch me, again, going really?!

However it's been so long since I've seen Christie Brinkley I might bite on this one.


I just spent 3 hours out in the barn and pasture watching and taking photos of Zaky meeting a couple of his sisters.

Only ran thru a couple times to peek at the computer ........ Peanut could have

been taking advantage on one less set of eyes....but NOOOOOOOOO.....I come back and what's she doing?? Eating....I believe she must have lettered in eating, when she

was in school. She could even have a Master's degree.
Nancy, its like shes afraid Im going to stop feeding her once she F. so shes never going to F

Robin, Happy Anniversary To you ...almost...I bet thats exactly what shes doing...waiting to F on your special day...I hope she does F after midnight.
Robin, hows your hubby doing...last i heard he had hurt his foot or leg too didnt he/ I hope hes feeling better. Are you finished F ing now or do you have any of your own to do?

P.S. On the divider wall those are not poops..I swept the shavings back to the middle so what you see are the black mats. She is not standing in a stall full of pops...i promise you
Sounds like we need to do alittle talking diane, thanks. as soon as the one i have F..something to think about.

boy her ears are pinned right back w/lots of flehming. Too early to go check on her but dollars to donuts those are cow patties in there!
Thanks Heidi! I can't believe Karrel has put up with me so long!

His foot is doing ok. It looked like he might have broken 2-3 toes. Then the poor guy slipped on soap in the shower and fell! But he's doing fine!

Oh yup! I'm done foaling ours!

(I was going to say F-ing ours LOL)

We had 5 babies! I finally put them on my foal page!

Then I foaled out both of Mary's mares. So I got to foal out 7 mares this year. My fav sound is that first baby whinny!

I have to hit the hay now but I'll be checking back in the AM!

Night!! Love ya!
On cameras.........

Cow pies plop, road apples bounce! If they bounce, then they're not soft F-ing cow pies!

LMAO! @ F-ing cow pies!

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