Peanut Blessed me with a

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I am not the biggest spotty fan but there are a few that I really love and would cross with my mares if I could.

Diane your boy is stunning and has the most gorgeous head. No wonder you think he is so special.

Here is another boy that I really like (Cola) - he belongs to a friend and was MHAI Champion under Bill Fairchild last yr. (its my photo hence why I can post it)


Oh and I have software that will let you turn your pics into pencil drawings or paintings so this is what happened when I turned it into a pencil drawing.

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I just love it when colour is the icing on the cake
Beautiful animals!

I am obssessed with movement, it's my main breeding goal. To me you don't get good movement without good conformation, I also feel that movement gets overlooked in some breeding programs because we don't ride them. And then I say I just want good movement because I like watching it myself

I need to find a video camera and film Pallidon's trot, it really is somthing else. Not that I am biased!

Miss P I was so sure there would be a bub this morning! Get to work little girl
I agree about movement, I hate a short choppy stride. And to get great movement you have to have great conformation.

When I am looking at a horse then I look for these things in order:

1. Conformation

2. Movement

3. Presence

4. Colour (the icing on the cake)

I do also like to see a nice head as it does finish of the picture.

One of my pet hates is when I see someone showing a horse in trot but they dont let the horse move.

My mare Slaney is a BIG moving mare and she would never look right if I was only ambling beside her. I have to stretch my own legs in order to show off her great stride.

I am showing a horse for a friend at the MHAI Champs this yr and I am so looking forward to it as I havent shown since last May 2010.

I dont have to do any of the grunt work but I get to show him. I showed him as a yearling and he was Reserve Champion Yearling. I will now be showing him as a 3yr old. Cant wait. Hopefully will have loads of photos to share too.
Little Dreamy in my avatar? She outmoves everything here, even Pallidon. In that pic I was trotting her out in a circle so that is her restrained movement. When I work her on a straight line I can be sprinting and she is still powering away at a trot. She is on my 'start in harness' list!
Hi Team Peanut

My first riding horse was a a sorrel blanketed appaloosa I bought from Kickapoo Ranch in North Fort Myers for $350.00. My first bag of feed cost me $3.15.

Been so busy trying to get a card order out so I can make a customer happy and get that paycheck!$$$$$ Its almost feed day! But its so hard when I have to keep stopping to stare at Peanut, I loose track of time. Hey Peanut, I can't afford to stop working like this you HAVE to spill it tonite please?


Hey guys while I am here I want to encourage all to also please enter the CMHR online show. Not all horses are as lucky as Peanut to have a loving home so please take a few minutes out to enter. Super nice prizes too!
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Thank you Banner! Directions are on the pinned info. If you have paypal you can send it to our paypal account button on the website. If not, you can snail mail to our treasurer. I can tell her its on the way so you can go ahead and post your entry if you snail it from Ireland it would not arrive in time. Refer to the directions posted. (((( ))))
I have put through the money now via paypal but will leave posting pics till tomorrow as I think I am ready for my bed.
Heidi, did the journalist ever send you pictures for the article? Isn't it coming out tomorrow??
I'll be entering after I get paid next week
I'll probably make it just in time for the deadline!
Well it didnt take me long to catch up, thats good. Not much happening w/the girls i see. Skiffs been here all night using this computer seeing as he cant go to the office. Usually i havea bigger screen to watch but hes only given PN a little 3x3 corner and I have to look over his shoulder to see her.

I just saw suzi for the first time tonight.

I cant believe PN is still keeping us waiting...tonight just looks like tail twitching only. has anyone noticed ..does she seem to be itching less tonight...Ive seen her a couple times but Im not able to see her much tonight and skiff has no idea
Really, the fresh hay at midnight is only b/c it might keep her mind of the itchys. Funny, I dont know about you guys, but the black flies have all dissapeared here but still have these little gnats at night...just the few minutes i was out there i could feel them on me. And we still have June bugs...Im always refilling water buckets b/c they all go for the big swim.

The newspaper article is supposed to come out tomorrow or today..what time is it...what day is it? SATURDAY so you know i will have to get right up and head to my favorite 7/11.Well Skiff needs to finish up then I'll be back.
Been a quiet day with the girls, it seems.

I've been in and out of the house all day,

checking the screens when I breeze thru.

I can't see much of Suz but Peanut looks as if

she may be slimming out on her sides....

Every once is awhile I've caught a slight downward

view today, but not full one enough to tell for sure.

How does she look up close and personal?

Any new milk reading?

After her hitting 6.0 I'm so surprised we're still

waiting on her.
For sure, she can't hold out forever.

Did I just see her poopy in front of her outside door?

Picture is a bit fuzzy - looks like there may be more

than one spot?

Rest easy in the ol' recliner, Diane.

I'm not far behind you, for heading to bed.
I'm here and she's YAWNING! Did anyone else catch that?

Experts say yawning is the precursor to active labor. After more pacing, the mare lies down on her side and rhythmic contractions begin. These contractions are quite obvious as the mare's feet are rigidly extended, legs tense. She may pace between series of contractions, which become stronger, occurring every few seconds. In the ideal textbook delivery, the contractions continue until the mare's "water breaks" Then, if all goes well, contractions continue for a short time and the foal is gradually delivered.
ummmm Heidi? I think this may be a good time to shorten up that tail more and get a little braid in it as much as she will tollerate so you can see what is going on under there. We might have lift off.
I didn't see the yawn, Marty....

I'm moving between the computer room and the laptop in the family room.

I did see two good half rolls and a lazy attempt at a 3rd.

I was thinking about her tail with a little wrap if she'd tolerate it, too.

Just might be closing in on her staring role.
I'm heading to bed and I have the answer phone on high so if anything starts to happen for pete's sakes CALL! Be sure to leave a message so I can hear it in my bedroom and I'll get up.

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