Hi Team!! Are we ready for another night of waiting and watching. Not feeling real well today, dont know if its some sort of flu or just being over tired.Im really hoping Peanut decides to do something real soon, hubby has several events starting Thurs. right up untill Sun. PM...which means I will be on my own. Not a real big deal but it would just be nice having an extra set of hands for emergency.
Did a little ****y cleaning today...cant believe how hard she is but what really is strange is how much crud build up gets between her little nipples....this is a horse that never lays down and I just cleaned her the day before yesterday!
I made the mistake of putting my email address on something I posted on MS and now I have this person emailing me 15Xs a day. It started out, they were nice and gave me advice about this or that, now...I feel like Im being stalked...every time I go to the barn I come back in and there is an email from this person...it makes no difference what time I go out. Very wierd. They have never mentioned that they have seen Skiff and he goes out alot too. I dont answer any more emails from her/him but they still write.I may have to send Heather the email address and see if they are listed as a member or just a lurker.
Cassie, I wish you lived closer, I would over night strips to you...I just got them and cant get any milk anyway so its been sort of a waste.I just dont think I could overnight anything to your neck of the woods..lol. By the time you got them your baby will be walking!! Diane if you would like them let me know I will be glad to give them to you. I dont think they would last until next year...heck I dont know if I'll last till next year at the rate Im going!!
Well let me go check the other girls and will chat later!!