Peanut Blessed me with a

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LOL I wouldn't mind if Dreamer went first lol just as long as the rest of them follow real soon hey Heidi
Hi Anna,hows everything with your little one? I think Dreamer will be 1st too. Its nice that she will have 2 babies so they can be buddies!!And you'll have a few youngsters to grow up together. That was my intention when I bred Holly and Peanut...if Holly didnt abort( about 2 mos. ago )then little Peanuts baby would have had a buddy. Hollys baby would have been due around the 15th of June.
So sorry to hear about Holly. Sending hugs((((((((((((()))))))))))))))) Did you see that gorgeous little jack being born and his proud daddy's donkey dance?

Peanuts rest didn't last long, she is up already and biting her sides!
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Peanut starts her laying down usually about 3 then she will still only be down about 10 min. each time. Wish she was more like Dreamer...speaking of which I gotta go check on her too
LOL poor little Peanut!! it must be so uncomfortable for her cos she is so tiny!! Suzie is 33" so she is prob more comfortable then your little one...
can't be too much longer, what is Peanuts update? milk... have you been able to use the strips yet??

haha renee
watch out Peanut!!! you better not do a Dreamer!!

I reckon poor heidi must be exhausted!! remember heidi take a rest us "aunties" are here watching your baby girl and your BRILLIANT hubby is watching too... we will let you know of anything!!!! trust me!

you need to rest!!
Hubby was supposed to be the early shift he volunteered...I just cant leave...nervous newbie jitters I guess. He finally went to bed. I may wake him in an hour or so ....doesnt look like much going on...but I dont want to miss little Dreamer either.

When I say Peanut should be more like Dreamer...I just want Peanut to be comfortable, lay down and sleep...not this standing balancing can that be relaxing!! Her hoofs are literally, the size of the top of my soda can...tiniest little hoofs youve ever seen!
Usually they lay down a lot less when they are getting near so it is a good sign. Maybe she will go before Dreamer
it is lots of fun!! I think I may be addicted!! LOL don't know what I'll do once all your foals are born!! oh wait hopefully I will have one too... that I can play with.

No worries at all Diane!! you are such a wonderful person! it's not hard to say nice things about you!!!
5.30 am and finally she is resting her tired legs, lets see how long she stays down!
Hi Team!! Are we ready for another night of waiting and watching. Not feeling real well today, dont know if its some sort of flu or just being over tired.Im really hoping Peanut decides to do something real soon, hubby has several events starting Thurs. right up untill Sun. PM...which means I will be on my own. Not a real big deal but it would just be nice having an extra set of hands for emergency.

Did a little ****y cleaning today...cant believe how hard she is but what really is strange is how much crud build up gets between her little nipples....this is a horse that never lays down and I just cleaned her the day before yesterday!

I made the mistake of putting my email address on something I posted on MS and now I have this person emailing me 15Xs a day. It started out, they were nice and gave me advice about this or that, now...I feel like Im being stalked...every time I go to the barn I come back in and there is an email from this makes no difference what time I go out. Very wierd. They have never mentioned that they have seen Skiff and he goes out alot too. I dont answer any more emails from her/him but they still write.I may have to send Heather the email address and see if they are listed as a member or just a lurker.

Cassie, I wish you lived closer, I would over night strips to you...I just got them and cant get any milk anyway so its been sort of a waste.I just dont think I could overnight anything to your neck of the By the time you got them your baby will be walking!! Diane if you would like them let me know I will be glad to give them to you. I dont think they would last until next year...heck I dont know if I'll last till next year at the rate Im going!!

Well let me go check the other girls and will chat later!!
hey Heidi OMG what an idiot! can you block them?? how rude,

hoping and praying that Peanut decides to foal really soon... its a pity we can't see any pics of her but thats ok...can you tell us how she looks? we know that she has dropped!! YAY and she seems as though she has filled out on the sides meaning the foal is starting to get into position... can you still not express any milk from her? what does her hooha look like? is it long and straight? slightly open? maybe be you can have a look at the pics I took of Suzie and see how she looks compared to that, I know she will be different to Suzie and diffrent to Dreamer!! but it might help in how far along she might be... what I do with Suzie now which I think has helped bring down the milk is each morning and night I don't express her milk but I massage her udder she LOVES it and since I have started doing that I have been able to get milk nearly every time I have tried... and I know what you mean about the crud!! I'm wondering if it might be dried sweat? just a guess hehe

will keep an eye on both girls tonight!!

oh and the test strips, if you got the foal time ones, if you keep them dry they should keep for 5 years so the lady told me hehe. I'm going to use the PH strips with suzie tonight, well try it anyway hehe it was going to cost heaps of money to get them here by july 1 and I'm hoping that she will foal before then fingers crossed... so I'm going to let them come whenever, I have plans to put my other mini into foal later this year so I will be able to use them then, and my friend breeds mini's so I'll prob let her use them.

Thanks anyway!! I wish you lived closer too so I can come and be moral support!!

sorry its so long. hope you have fun reading my post hehe

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