Peanut Blessed me with a

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Good Morning Sunshines...nice to know I can sleep and have all the Starees keeping their eyes on the comings and goings around Peanuts stall. Many thanks. Glad to see Marty had once again decided to put her crafting away and visit...looks like we have a new addition Nancy ( Equize)....thanks for joining, and our friend Miss Robin ( hows your leg, healing up I hope )Just gave a quick look see and it doesnt appear that there are any new babies laying around....When my cam went down last night I got a call from someone in Wyoming...feel bad, we chatted but I forgot her name, Dah, they are right on top of things on that Mare Stare, I just thought it was nice that they called. Then this A.M. I see you guys were ready to call me too!! Your all so sweet!

Well I got some poops to clean and a little heart to heart w/Peanut but will get in touch a little later. You all have a delightful day and stay out of the sun...except you go find some sun!!
I think it was Wycherie, she is amazing. I always go in to chat to look for her when I need help as she will willingly call you Americans.
heheeee I will call without any problem if I can't find her but hubby does grumble a bit. I helped out a girl for a while on the night shift and her cam would go down every night, you can imagine my phone bill after a month of nightly chats with my new found friend.
Renee, your too your husband loved your phone bills!Did you see Rivendells new filly? Shes darling!But Ive never seen an ugly one yet? how about you?
Hey, just FYI Huge storm approaching fast...the whole air is changing....getting dark..dont worry if cam is know where I'll be!!
Yeah right "storm" any excuse to sit with Peanut

Rivendells filly is adorable and no I haven't seen an ugly one apart from Diane's
Renee, Have you noticed?

I wish someone would go tell that filly at Rivendells that the milk bar IS NOT between the front legs...she's so funny...she reminds me a little of Annie. Few hours old and already a bit of an attitude LOL
Renee, Have you noticed?

I wish someone would go tell that filly at Rivendells that the milk bar IS NOT between the front legs...she's so funny...she reminds me a little of Annie. Few hours old and already a bit of an attitude LOL
yeah and now that she has finally found the bar you can see how tall she is, those legs go on for ever, she has to duck to drink.

I just want to lean in and hug her
you girls are too funny!!

I would love some sun right now Heidi we are in for a cloudy rainy day here. what is your munchkin Peanut doing today... any updates? have you been able to get anymore milk?

That filly is BEAUTIFUL!! I agree Renee, just wanna hug her!!!
OK, my husband swears tonight is the night...he called our photographer neighbor and has him on standby...wish I was that sure.

No Cassie, wish I could say milk..but nope just a full hard bag and lots of itchy butts and tail!!I may end up cutting her tail after she foals...I always keep it up anyway b/c it hangs about 12" on the was nice and pretty for a while but now the up keep is getting alittle outta hand!!
haha good work Hubby!! lets hope he's right then!! is she much relaxed behind Heidi?

That sucks is her bag big then?

It took me a while last night to get something... from Suzie, I find that massaging her teats first really helps...
yeah I was noticing that she was quite restless when I was watching her before... COME ON PEANUT!!

she sorta doesn't seem herself... really irratated.
Oh, yes, thats her new fun thing to do. We are getting very close to having a meeting with Jesus let me tell ya!! The next time the cam goes off....lets just say it might not be because of a power shortage. Shes so sneeky she will ask for scratches then when you scratch in the one single area that she doesnt want it, she'll spin to bite..That why I've lately had the pitch fork right near her head....if she turns her head she hits the fork and not me.

Hey, thanks Diane, it sure is easy having all these screens at once...gotta admit...Peanuts is the biggest on my about you Cassie?

I was thinking Peanut might be tonight. Well she better start thinking about it alittle more than she is....I dont see it happening.
I have it the same
yes Peanut is bigger!! her little ears keep going like antennas, making sure it is safe for her to foal!! has she waxed up at all Heidi?

Come on baby girl!! has she had a foal before?

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