We got Karina back on the coffee..gee do I feel better!! Karina were you taking care of some children and living w/their family when you lived in Cohasette? your moms a hoot...cigarettes here are so expensive that would be right up there in the high income
bracket.She would have to help w/windows too
Did you like that Robin and Renee? Peanut and I thought we should get our groove on this morning for you all. Its like la mas and aerobics all in one. Im going to leave that bucket in her corner at night and hope she poops in it...easier on me!
Charli, I have a bone to pick w/you...I think your hubby put a jinx on Peanut so she doesnt have this foal and he can say "I told ya so"...we all thought it might be last night..oh well.
Hi Megan, Im glad you were able to figure out the alarm...I sleep so sound that I switched it over to the roaring elephant sound...its much louder and I like hearing elephants in my house
Anna, I just knew you would need a little extra time catching up on the nightly news. Werent those snow pictures amazing. Renee please dont tell me you have to shovel your drive way too!
Dang Peanut keep hiding behind the one bush in her little micro mini paddock...I have to keep getting up and checking on her...wish she would just stay where I put her hay. nice breeze out side today...hope it stays this way.
marty i luv you..please do!!Black and White,tiny filly
Marty have you spoken w/Connie, poor thing must be tired too! Skiff loves nickys new picture...but hes not thrilled that his mane is shorter...I told him it would grow!!