Peanut Blessed me with a

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oh gosh, Renee will be here any minute...she might even be here now reading what we all have been up to tonight....and look at Peanuts tail
quick hide the scissors!! Renee I promise I will do something about it tomorrow....I dont want her stepping on it either!!

Well Im heading to bed..Skiff will not learn to post on here to let you know hes watching, but he is up at 5:30 then is taking Dogs to vet at 8 and I will be up then.
1, 2, rolls then back up she knew you wanted to sleep so GO TO SLEEP!!!

poor Peanut, come on baby girl!! I'll even let you win mum n baby of the month!!! just have your baby!!

Suzie has settled down, unless she does something tonight I'm not thinking she will do anything this arvo...
I'm getting very sick of this... n I'm sure you are too... come on girls!! we wanna see your gorgeous Babies!!!

Night Nancy!!
Morning all
Sorry I am a bit late signing in. I have moved the horses around and it will take me a few days to get into a routine. I see we have a low alert on PN, what has she been up to?
nothing at all really, someone thought she was having the foal so they put it up, but she has really just been a little more restless then normal... not really any foaling signs, wouldn't you agree Heidi...

wish there was !!
Morning all.

Sorry I didn't post earlier, but I have been up and watching PN since just before 2am PN time. Simply had to spend time reading/answering my e-mails, loads of them! I usually do them every day, but now any time on the old laptop is spent on LB and marestare watching two girls who refuse to have their babies! LOL!!

Just read the 5 back pages and see that you seem to have had quite an active night - lots of thoughts on will she, wont she?

Now Heidi I'm going to make a suggestion although I know you wont agree to it! LOL!! Plus it is just my personal opinion. You need to unplait PN's tail and cut it!! I'll duck now. LOL!! (I'll allow the cut to be ground level, no need to be higher)

Reasons for suggestion:- Her tail weighs far too much in its plait, and with the 'muscles' loosening due to getting near foaling, she no longer has the strength to flick it up across her back to keep those flies/midges/itches/whathaveyou away. She keeps trying but simply hasnt the strength. Watching my mares yesterday, they were doing a brilliant job keeping the flies away as their long tails swept up over their backs when they swished them. Plus PN's tail will grow back to more or less the length you want by the time of that festival next February (you did say February?)

OK so I hate seeing horses with plaited tails at any time, let alone when there are flies/midges around, but I do think it would make PN feel more comfortable, less cranky and maybe reduce her need to keep biting and kicking at herself.

I'll shut up now! Morning Renee - how's the head?

I'm off now to do my boys (before you can shout at me! LOL!!) See you all later.
Hang on whilst I put my helmet on. o.k Heidi I must agree with Anna as far as PN's tail is concerned. i think her constant scratching could be due to the fact that she has problems using her tail. If you really don't want to cut it perhaps you could try French plaiting the top and putting a stocking (self hold ups with rubber are great) on and tieing it with a rubber band to the last part of the plait (not on her tail bone.) If i haven't explained very well I could try and do it to one of mine and take a photo to show you. The stocking would protect her tail but it would be light enough for her to swish her tail.

Running for cover
LOL!! Have taken off my helmet now Renee - decided that even Heidi couldn't manage to throw stones this far!

Diane, sorry but dont think your idea of a fold at the bottom would work, it would still weigh the tail down too much. Anyway, what are you doing out of your chair - go back at once, nothing is happening usual.
OMG another book, its a wonder I get any work done. I really dont like to plait tails but I just plait the first half and leave the rest free for swatting and its seems to work for me that way.

These mares are seriously taking the Michael now.

I will be keeping an eye but need to get kids washed today as I was too wiped out to do it yesterday. The joys of them being on holidays is it doesnt all have be done on a weekend lol.
Just got back from the shop and PN looking uncomfortble and has just laid down???
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Good morning/Goodnight, again

Good morning, Peanut. You won't foal because you feel like someone is watching you, don't you?
Yea she did that right before I posted. dirty girl.
Yea I saw Holly in there last night!

I'm glad someone else besides me broke the ice about the tail being too long. As nice as long tails are to us, I keep mine all trimmed up to the pasturns and higher if they are especially thick like Nick's. I don't like them stepping all over themselves; got to hurt and they grow back so fast. Heidi I would unbraid that whole thing and let it hang loose for now. Heck, mine foaled with loose tails this year and didn't hurt a thing. But what a yukky mess to wash, gross. I had that mare on the wash rack in record time!

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