Peanut Blessed me with a

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Hard to tell ...he looks lighter today but when I back brush..hes pretty dark...His color isnt real exciting IMO ...I love him to death but his color doesnt have that..."look at me pizzaz" that some horses have. but he more than makes up for it in his spunkiness
and little attitude
Well I said when I saw Cam wake up and drink I was going to head to bed...looks like hes doing just that
Im attempting to put together a little log of his behaviors and just little things I notice w/times and dates...hes being a silly goose running now, after a rather long nap...but if you happen to have him up on cam and notice anything that I should know, do you mind putting it on here, Thanks so much. Im setting clock for a check on him in 3 hrs.


Good night and thanks again Cassie and Diane too for trying!
Diane, she has been doing that all day!! LEANING on the fence!! with her butt!! its certainly very interesting... hmmm I am more then happy for her to foal TONIGHT!! as our friends (who is an equine vet) is coming over for dinner and I would love to show off a new foal hehe
wow Heidi he is even more amazing in photo, the first one of his head is just gorgeous
Don't you dare complain about my favourite colour, I would give anything to have a bay instead of a grey pintaloosa
Just wait till he gets his proper coat and shines like mad in the sun
Hes is gorgeous..I love his big long legs I bet he can really move..keep poor mum on her toes for a good few months im sure
the milk bar is laying down and he is trying to feed

Finally after 5 minutes of persistence Mama got up
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I love watching them nage for the milk bar

Actually I love just about anything a healthy foal does!

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