Peanut Blessed me with a

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I've dreaded this post coming about Quahog.

It just never seems that those we love are ever with us long enough.

I hope knowing we are all here, that we care and understand will

help you and Skiff with his loss.

My very sincere condolences.
Thank you for all for thinking of Skiff and I during the last couple weeks. We buried Quahog near the barn b/c that was his favorite place to watch for rabbits and the squirrels. In the past Ive had pets cremated b/c we never knew how long we would be living at the property,now however we know we will be here forever and i decided that Quahog needs to be here too. I still feel such a loss and cant believe I will no longer be able to lay on the bed or couch with him. He was just like Peter Pan and never wanted to grow up...we always called him a puppy. GSD's are usually mature very young and get very serious w/anything they do...even play time. That was not the case w/Quahog, his mind was always on the exact opposite of where you wanted it to be...everything was a joke and play time w/him...he always made us wonder if he really was a German Shepherd. I wish we were able to slay the demon that took ahold of his body but I do know he will forever be here.

Cameron is a complete joy...wish Quahog had been feeling better b/c they would have had a blast together..they have the same personalities. Cam only goes to mom now for happy hour. Grazes like there is no tomorrow, doesnt even stay near mom on our walks..he follows Skiff and bites the back of his legs or runs real fast and rears up on the back of mom and rides piggy back style for sometimes 20 steps....hes a hoot on his back legs!! Whinnies like crazy when I go out to play w/him. Yesterday and the day before he went charging around the yard on one of our walks he was going so fast he ran right into the field fence and bounced back about 3 feet and landed flat. You know me, Panickie Annie...I run over and check every little bone...his face...ears..the whole nine yards and Cams like "Hey that was fun...wait till i do it even faster tomorrow"...sure enough he did...I dont think Ozark sells crash helmets but I'll check LOL

I had him in the big pasture w/just peanut for a few hours and he had alot of fun...only bad me forgot to unplug the hot wire. I felt terrible. he was only in there for about 30 min charging around then went over to the fence to nibble grass...zap...poor little guy...but i was happy that he came running over to me and thought it odd that he didnt run to Peanut.

Weve been following Anna's advice and doing little handling work out in the pasture...just feet,touching ears and gentle holding still. course somedays are better than others but its fun.I dont even have a foal halter but I carry the smallest one i have and just drape it on him and take it off ..hes fine with that but I dont do any leading or actually ever put the halter on for any lenght of time...he seems to want to follow me anyway ( when hes not running full speed )so I think leading will be easy when we decide to try it and actually get a baby halter.

Well Im going to try to focus on work today so i've got to get out of the must go on! Skiff just got a huge contract w/doing the food at Gulf Coast University...its 5 years and alot of work getting things lined up but it will be a huge "plus sign" for the company. Only downfall is we will be working alot more during the summer months too for the next 5 yrs ( usually summers we have alot of down time )so hopefully we can line up some great employees and my actual work load wont increase by much!!

Cassi, Suzi looked great last night...and the pictures sure look like you are getting must be exhausted. What day do you actually leave for your family holiday?
Heidi, that is such a wonderful description of a fun loving Quahog.

I'm so pleased that you have been able to bury him in his favourite place and somewhere that he will always be near you. I'm afraid that I have had to leave behind several special corners in the fields of the various farms I have owned, where I have buried horses, dogs, cats, goats, a special rescued sheep, rabbits and even chickens. But when their time came they were all laid to rest beside the friends that they had shared their lives with, which gave me peace. My very first JR terrier was buried on a friend's family farm beside one of her sons, and they were later joined by another three of her children and two of her grandchildren and a little plague was placed on a nearby tree. With our previous farms, it was even written into the deeds, when we sold them, that I or any direct member of my family can, by appointment, return to visit those special graves. I do not go back, perhaps because I know I can, but I feel that the animals I have now need me more, although those that have passed are never far from my daily thoughts.

Quahog has not left you - I believe that all our beloved animals stay close to us. Dont be afraid to speak to him if you have a sudden feeling that he is there, you may be suprised how peaceful it will make you feel if you acknowledge his presence.

Again my sincere apologies - hugs for you and Skiff.
glad you are enjoying Cameron so much!! what a cute little guy!! big guy should I say!! I'm sure he is almost as big as peanut!! LOL glad that you have such good memories of Quahog!! he was a beautiful dog!!

to answer your question yes I am exhausted lol I think I have snapped at nearly everyone regarind THE question "has Suzie had her foal yet?" I think I have trained nearly all of them "I WILL TELL YOU WHEN SHE HAS IT!!!" lol if someone asks and they are with them they say "don't ask she will get cranky " lol woops oh well at least they leave me alone!

we leave 3am on the 27th September! I still have about 5 weeks till we go, but I wish she already had a full udder, so I could say, yep bout a week to go...
stressing quite a bit about it now, we are already at the last week of august and I wouldn't even call her half full!!! AHHHHH trying not to stress but AHHH!!!
I just watched Cam's birth on marestare again. And now i am sitting at my desk crying....partially because it was such a beautiful thing....and partially because you can see sweet Quahog pacing in the aisle. My secretary thinks that i am crazy. (she doesnt know why i am crying, just keeps looking at me like i am crazy) SO i need a new Cam pic to cheer me back up.
I love that Diane.....

Makes me misty eyed.

We lost our old GSD on Aug 23rd in 2006.

I hate that day, on the calendar, each time it rolls around

but I do remember all that was so wonderful about having him

for a best friend.
What a great tribute to our loyal friends and a verse we can all try to live by.
Oh, how lovely, thank you...its so true!!

Dig till you find it....yup!! that was written for our Quahog!!

Thank you Diane
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HEIDI,just got my internet back on following the hurricane that went through here in North Carolina. I am so sorry about Quahog, I had my Rusty put down last year, I miss him terribly. He was the best friend to me. Hugs and fond memories.
hi, been off line for a few days but peanut, cam and i hope your all having a nice Labor Day weekend!! Today was the first day that i put all the mares out in the pasture w/Cam and Peanut...I was home almost all day to supervise and of course On pins and needles the whole time until.....little darling Cam decided he wanted to mount Silver Belle and walk w/her around her hay pile. SB was such an angel and so kind to little Cam....she just let him be a pest for about 20 min. Then he proceeded to mount Holly...still no drama. I had happy tears of relief
Peanut was pretty much just happy to have a couple sitters for the afternoon and let him wander as much as he wanted. Popcorn seemed alittle less understanding that she was dealing with a youngster..she just sort of avoided him at all costs.

We have been doing well with our little halter lessons and he leads like a pro most of the time...on occasion he will pull to run on ahead and get a little silly but settles right down once he realizes he cant go anywhere.Once he settles and walks quietly we take the halter off. So Im happy with his progress. Its still pretty hot here and hes been rather itchy and hot the past week so I decided that a little clipping might be i wanted to see his new color!!
We have been working the last few days on clipper training...just rubbing the "on' clippers over his body a few times a day..only for about 10 min. each lesson. Today I decided to try the real thing. We started w/his halter on and he was ok for about 5 min. then really started we rested. Tried again...rested. We finished up w/out the halter and just holding him. I didnt want him getting up set being held w/halter but he was good just holding him gently. We finished on a good note. He loved the brushing that followed. I was hoping he would fall asleep like some foals do but all in all Im real happy w/how he did and I love his DARK BAY color. We will do his legs and belly tomorrow. We are not doing real well with feet yet.....hes ok w/me picking the front up but the back hes still pretty squirmy but I havent tried them with his halter on...his training classes have been in the pasture so maybe he will be better when I have his halter on. right now I just want everything fun and Im afraid he will get upset until he is 100% comfortable in his halter. Well thats about all the fun we have mustered this week. Took some pictures today so will try to get them on tonight. Did I tell you how long his legs are...they are as long if not longer than Peanuts...hes having to really get down low to get to Happy Hour at the bar!!
Thats just fantastic seems like your going along nicely with the little man

cant wait to see new photos of him
Sounds like you are doing great! Would LOVE more photos!!

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